Bell Family Company

Infant 411

Here’s the quick 411 on infant care with tips BFC childcare providers have learned through their nanny and sitting experience. You can also check out the links provided under each tip for videos and additional tips, with thanks to Baby Center.

TIP 1: Swaddling

  1. Lay a blanket on a flat surface like a diamond and fold down the top corner about 6 inches to form a straight edge.
  2. Place your baby on his back so that the top of the fabric is at shoulder level.
  3. Bring your baby’s left arm down. Pull the corner of the blanket near his left hand over his arm and chest, and tuck the leading edge under his back on his right side.
  4. Bring your baby’s right arm down. Pull the corner of the blanket near his right hand over his arm and chest, and tuck the cloth under his left side.
  5. Twist or fold the bottom end of the blanket and tuck it loosely behind your baby, making sure that both legs are bent up and out from his body, his hips can move, and his legs can spread apart naturally.
  • If you’re a visual learner, take a look at a short “how to” swaddle video.

TIP 2: Bottle Prep and Feeding

  1. Rule of thumb is to ALWAYS follow the parent’s directions. Every parent does things differently, so its important to do it their way.
  2. You can heat up a bottle in a bowl of warm water or run it under the tap.  Microwaving is not the way to go as it heats unevenly, which can cause hot pockets and lead to burns.
  • Quick read on bottle basics here.

TIP 3: Changing

  1. Always wash your hands before and after diaper changes.
  2. Make sure you put on the diaper correctly! Snap is in the back and you pull it forward and around on top.
  3. Be sure to use wipes and diaper cream if necessary (per the parent’s request) and wipe ALWAYS DOWN, not up.
  4. Never leave a baby unattended while on the changing table.
  • Because diaper changing is everyone’s favorite activity, catch this short video.

TIP 4: Nap Time

  1. Nap time isn’t one size fits all, so make sure to check in with the parents as to how they would like you to handle their little ones down time as every child has a different routine.
  2. Some tips: make sure the room is quiet, dark and a comfortable temperature. Be safe by placing the baby on its back and making sure there isn’t anything in the crib they could get tangled up in.
  • Interested in becoming a napping expert? Take a look at some additional tips from Mayo Clinic.

TIP 5: Burping

  1. Helping a baby to burp will release air trapped in their stomach, making them more comfortable. It helps their tummy to settle and get them to feed longer.
  2.  If a baby is squirming or fussy during a feeding those are signs they may be uncomfortable and it’s time to burp them.
  3. There are three common ways to burp a baby: On the chest or shoulder, sitting on your lap or face down across your lap.
  • Burp tips – yes, we have those!

TIP 6: Playtime and Tummy Time

  1. Play and Tummy time is super important for a baby’s development, it helps them to get stronger.
  2. Tummy time will help them to learn how to push themselves up, roll over, sit up and crawl.
  3. Wait until at least a half hour after feeding to lay them on their bellies.
  4. Play with them during tummy time! Rattles, funny faces, toys and talking are a few things that may help them to feel more comfortable during this time.
  • Tummy time is fun to say. So is watching a video about it.

BFC Substitute Teachers Are Here!

We are partnering with a number of the most prestigious private preschools in NYC and beyond providing our exceptional sitters as substitute teachers. Our childcare providers are a perfect match as they are smart, college educated, love children and work well with others.

Our substitute teacher program was built to aid in sourcing last minute, reliable help when a teacher gets sick. Bell Family Company has been the leader in last minute bookings for nearly 15 years, as we grow and see a need we hope to further help our community of families and providers.

There are a number of additional ways to get your school involved with BFC besides requesting a substitute such as;

  1. Refer your teachers with children of their own to BFC services to improve retention and cut down on stress.
  2. Refers your teachers to sign up with BFC who want to babysit to earn more income.
  3. Offer free membership programs for teachers! What an awesome benefit for your employees.
  4. BFC offers workshops, talking engagements as needed/requested to further educate your community on hiring childcare.

All schools and organizations must first be set up with our program prior to use. Currently no membership fee is required for schools and organizations. To set up your school or organization contact us.

To book a substitute teacher for your school or organization and to review our rates, visit our website.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Get to Know NYC’s Barrow Street Nursery School

We recently had the opportunity to talk with our friends at Barrow Street Nursery School in New York City to get to know them and the wonderful work that they do. Read our Q&A below and visit their website to learn more.

Q: Barrow Street has had its doors open for almost 50 years. What are 1-2 leading factors behind its success?

A: Barrow’s teachers are unparalleled. Their passion for early childhood education and professionalism create warm and nurturing classrooms which support both children and parents alike. Teachers are on continuous paths of learning – we have 8 enrolled in Masters or PhD’s supported financially by the school this year – as well as various professional development initiatives created by teachers themselves.

Our parents support educators and their children help to build a community experience both inside the walls of 27 Barrow Street and beyond. Our parent volunteers enrich the curriculum and experience of families by providing opportunities for engagement that strengthen the connections and celebrate the diversity of our school. 

Our parent education focus means we are educating the whole community, which connects everyone in unique ways. Strong communication between all is built into the program.

Q: Tell us about Barrow Street’s teaching approach. What is your goal(s) for students to walk away with after a school year?

A: Our approach is centered on collaboratively designed learning experiences. We want students to leave Barrow and enter the world with compassioncuriosity and confidence in how they think. With the world rapidly changing, we believe we are laying a foundation within children that teachers them how to problem-solve and approach unknown, essentially how to think, not what to think.

Barrow’s philosophy blends two progressive approaches to education, Bank Street and Reggio Emilia. At Barrow Street Nursery School, our mission is to help students build the foundation for life-long learning, appreciation of the arts, care for the community and environment.

Q: What are the steps in your admission process and when would you recommend a family to sign-up for the upcoming school year?

A: Parents apply the year before they would like to enter our school. Applications will be available on September 1st for the 2024-2025 school year. We will host an in person Open House before our application deadline.

For applicants through the application lottery, they will be invited in for a small group conversation and tour. We also host child visits in January and offer many optional opportunities for families to get a better sense of our school, program and community. 

Q: Barrow Street has an extensive list of programs. Can you highlight a few of them and what they offer?

A: In addition to our gross motor spaces, rooftop, tricycle track and gym, our students participate in specialist classes, built into their daily schedule, such as music, movement, pottery, art and science.

We also offer extended day programming which allows our children the opportunity to register for classes both before school and afterschool. We have a huge variety of partners, currently about 15 different programs who host classes on our premises, such as Super Soccer Stars, Yogi Beans Yoga, Tribeca Language, and Dance with Miss Rachel.

We are proud of the programming we are able to offer and grateful for a large facility and dedicated group of specialists that allow us to do so.

Q: Ahead of our partnership this fall, would you speak to how families will see some of our providers in your school or how you will be providing BFC sitter services to your teachers?  

A: We will be using Bell Family to:

  1. Support our on-demand needs at the school as substitute teachers in the classrooms.
  2. They will also be a resource to teachers who need on-demand coverage of their own children. Barrow will be covering the cost of 5 days per year for teachers.
  3. Barrow Street teachers may volunteer to work as a Bell family sitter if interested
  4. BFC will engage may also engage with us as a workshop resource for our families

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Veracity Founder Talks Parenthood & Prioritizing Selfcare

Allie Egan is the Founder and CEO of Veracity Selfcare and member family of Bell Family Company. In our Q&A she talks about life as a working parent and the story behind Veracity. Learn more about her impressive journey below.

Let’s start with hearing about your experience as a working parent!

Q. The question we all want answered is how are you juggling being a woman start-up business owner and a mother of two young children? What’s the biggest challenge from your perspective and how are you overcoming it?

A. The struggle is that you’re always working! I love my kids dearly and would not give them or my business up for the world, but as soon as I walk in the door after a full day of work I’m right back on the clock. This leads to two main challenges 1) carving out time for your own mental clarity and 2) trying to nurture your relationship with your partner behind schedule management. I don’t have all the answers, but the two main things I try to do are 1) being fully present in each job (aka mom at home, CEO at work) when it’s time for that job and 2) making time every day for at least a moment of joy. For me this can be a run, a dance party with my kids or a glass of wine with a friend post bedtime.

Q. What are the top 3 things you’ve learned about yourself being a working mom? 

A. 1) You will never have time for everything. 2) Don’t hype moments to be too perfect in your mind. You never know when a cold or fatigue or just a grumpy mood might set in with kids so give yourself grace that what you plan may not turn out as planned. 3) I love leaning into fun kids stuff like jumping on a trampoline, playing hide and seek or coloring bring me simple but real joy.

Now tell us about Veracity! 

Q. What’s the philosophy behind Veracity?

A. At Veracity, our mission is to empower women by providing them with the knowledge, tools and support they need to understand and balance their hormones effectively. We believe that when women are equipped with the right information and resources, they can unlock their full potential, both in terms of physical vitality, glowing skin and emotional well-being.

Our products are designed to create a healthy body and skin ecosystem for results that last. We only formulate with clean ingredients, free from hormone disruptors and toxins — a health first approach with clinically backed results. Our skincare is also safe for all life stages, including pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should never have to compromise results for your health.

Q. Why is it important that women keep track of their personal hormone levels?

A. Hormones influence every aspect of your health — from skin, hair, nails, mood, energy and metabolism to sleep and sexual health. More than 80% of women have a hormonal imbalance. At Veracity, we believe that if you have the knowledge and understanding of the state of your hormones, you can uncover the root cause of your skin and health issues — big and small — and unlock the best version of yourself.

Q. What are 3 things every woman can easily do today to protect herself from harmful everyday toxins?

A. When it comes to looking and feeling your best, what I’ve found is it’s less about what you add to your routine and more about what you remove from it. Endocrine disrupting chemicals, or chemicals that interfere with your hormones, can wreak havoc on your metabolism, energy, mood and skin. The easiest way to remove them is by using EDC free skincare, like Veracity. Next, eliminate plastic products where you can (e.g., food storage, plastic packaging, plastic baby bottles). Then, maximize your gut health with whole foods, breakfast in the morning and a probiotic (I’m obsessed with our BioEvolve Probiotic) which will help rid your body of toxins and excess hormones.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Etiquette Tips Performed by Top Childcare Providers

Etiquette is instrumental to the success of a top childcare provider. Bell Family Company (BFC) is sharing etiquette tips that will help childcare providers, families and the childcare agency maintain the best partnership possible.

Tip 1: Replying to Emails, Texts and Phone Conversation

Reply to emails and texts within 24 hours while you are looking for a job. People are working very hard on your behalf. If you are quick to get back to the childcare agency, it shows you are VERY interested. If you ignore them when asked a question, but then apply to a different job in the future, that gives them pause to recommend you to another family. 

Review this guide from Indeed that talks more about the 24-hour reply guidance and how to reply better to emails.

If you can no longer do a job or are no longer interested in a job, communicate that to the agency. It is polite to finish out an interview, trial, babysitting appt, etc., and then if it did not go well, communicate that to the agency.

Tip 2: Answering Screening Questions

It is VERY important that you answer screening questions with total honesty within 24 hours. Please do not answer one way and then ask for something different once you get an interview. Asking for different things in an interview makes everyone look unprofessional, as if the agency did not speak to you. If you are confused about a question, ASK before you meet with the family. Agencies are here to help you get your DREAM nanny job! 

Tip 3: Committing to the Jobs You Apply For

Only apply to jobs where you can commit the entire time! If you are not able to do the entire duration of the job, COMMUNICATE that to us upfront. Sometimes families will be flexible for the right candidate. In your reply, simply tell us what start/end date you can do.

DO NOT take a job with plans to quit early. We do not submit candidates for further nanny work who drop out of jobs they should not have taken in the first place.

Tip 4: Always Have Open Communication

When you apply to a nanny job and we connect you for an interview or trial to the family, we have done a lot of work telling the family how great you are. Represent yourself and BFC well by having open communication!

What that means is be yourself, be transparent (but don’t over share about topics that are personal) and make sure you arrive on time, have the correct address and do your homework before you meet the family (read the job conditions carefully). 

If for some reason, you no longer want to interview or do not want to proceed with the family, email us and let us know. Candidates who do not communicate to the family or us do not get the job.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Your Family Vacation Survival Kit Is Here!

We asked a BFC mom of twins for tips she’s learned while traveling and planning her family vacation. Here’s a top 10 list to help guide you on your next family adventure!

  1. If driving or flying have lots of snacks, drinks, games, coloring and some shows downloaded on a device in your back pocket. My kids love to play the license plate game on road trips, which includes looking for license plates from various states and making it a bingo game!
  2. See if the hotel you’re staying at has a Kids’ Club (and then maybe change the hotel if it doesn’t ;)). Review the itinerary of the Kids’ Club with your kids to determine if/when they want to go to make it exciting! 
  3. Research the area you’re staying and have each family member write down the top 5 things they want to do. Review with the family and cast a vote to identify the top 3!
  4. Research and book restaurants that guarantee a kid’s menu.
  5. Check with a hotel or concierge if there are sitter services available for a date night — even better, book a BFC Travel Sitter to help! Then the kids can enjoy a fun night of room service and movies.
  6. Always look for the game room in a hotel or if you’re doing a property rental check to see if there are games there.
  7. Identify where the nearest doctor and pharmacy are in case of a last minute need.
  8. Review what hotel activities are available (bingo, pool activities, games) and make a list with the kids of some of their top ideas they want to do in a day.
  9. Bring toys or treats to add an element of fun each day. Something for the pool, the beach or outdoors that can go along with the theme of the day.
  10. If the kids meet friends while away re-establish the idea of a penpal

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Household Tips to Change the Way You Organize

Organization is everything! This includes both home organization and the daily organization of schedules and routines. Sometimes we don’t realize that children crave structure, but have no idea how to ask for it. Organization and structure is calming because they know what to expect next. As most of us learn throughout our lives, we all like some organization and structure. So as you can imagine, children live their lives wanting this with no language for it! For the everyday, try to think of ways to keep things calm and organized, even if things feel overly structured at first. For small children (through approx. 10 years old), this will have a calming effect. Routine can sometimes feel like it’s getting old to parents, but routine is everything for a child.

This also applies to keeping your household items and toys organized. Believe it or not, a huge mess stresses out a child, too! When the home is picked up, clean and organized … children tend to actually behave better because they have a sense that things are under control. Try to build moments into the day when everyone can do a group pickup so things don’t get out of control. A great trick is to sing “the cleanup song” – either your version, or the famous one we all know and love.

Whatever organization routines that you strive for – anything helps toward the goal of creating that zen in your life that both you and your children (secretly!) crave.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Learn About BFC With Our FAQs

Have you visited the FAQ page on the Bell Family Company website yet? It answers some of the most commonly asked questions by both childcare providers and families when it comes to BFC services. Find a snippet below and click here for the full list of questions on the website.

Q: What is the difference between a sitter and nanny?

A: Sitter is used for occasional on-demand sitting, date night, daytime fill-ins, weekends, etc. This service is booked on our online platform and paid by the Family via credit card at the end of each appointment. To book an on-demand Sitter, click here.

A Nanny is one person who commits to a set schedule for a consistent duration of time. For this service, the Family pays the Nanny directly at the end of each work week. To start your Nanny placement process, click here.

For a list of membership benefits click here.

Q: Where do you place your providers?

A: Nanny Services: We place full-time, part-time and temporary Nannies for live-in and live-out in most locations across the U.S.A.

Sitter Services: In addition to full-time, part-time and temporary care, we also place on-demand Sitters in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Westchester County, Southern Connecticut, parts of Long Island and The Hamptons. We have small groups of on-demand Sitters available in Los Angeles, CA and Dallas, TX.

Q: Do you offer nanny trials?

A: Yes, you can schedule a paid trial with your Nanny candidate(s) for a few hours, days or weeks. The Family shall pay the Nanny for her working hours through our Agency’s online platform upon completion of each trial day. Email us for market minimum trial rates. For trial engagements conducted with non-local candidates, the Family is also responsible for covering all accommodations, travel and food for the non-local candidate.

Q: How do I become a member family?

A: Nanny Services: Once your application is accepted and the Nanny Placement Agreement is signed with the $550 membership fee paid, you are officially a member Family! Bell Family is ready to initiate your search.

Sitter Services: Once your application is accepted and your seven (7) day trial has expired at Bell Family, you will be asked to become a member Family. The annual (12 months) membership fee is currently $550, which we can charge to your card on file. Just email us, or you can opt to become a member Family at checkout and your card will be charged with your last Sitter appointment.

Q: How do I apply?

A: All Families and Childcare Providers must be referred to Bell Family Co. To request a referral code, click here and fill in the required information.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Your Ultimate Lake Vacation Travel Guide

Take advantage of the warm weather while it lasts by gathering the troops and heading to the lake! Bell Family teammate and blogger, Mandy, writes about her experience with her family at Chautauqua Lake in New York and shares tips on best times to visit, where to stay, things to do and more! Check out the recap below and read the full write up on her blog.

Need help with the kiddos on your next family trip? Hire a Bell Family Travel Sitter to tag along and make the trip a breeze!

Where to Stay

  1. The Hotel Lenhart – Bemus Point – Owned and operated by the same family since 1880. This hotel is old, if you prefer lots of modern amenities it may not be for you.  
  2. Hotel Athenaeum – Institute – Located inside the Chautauqua Institute, this is a beautiful historic hotel with access to all the Institute has to offer.
  3. Webbs – Mayville – This long-time hotel features an on-site restaurant, indoor pool, and a few shops onsite.
  4. Chautauqua Harbor Hotel – Celeron –  This newly built hotel offers a restaurant, bar, and swimming pool.
  5. Chautauqua Visitors Site – You can also check out this site for cottage rentals around the lake as an option. 

Things To Do

  1.  Chautauqua Marina A great place to rent equipment for all of your water activities.
  2. Midway State Park – A small amusement park that’s been open since 1898, this is a must visit if you have kids (or love acting like a kid).
  3. The Lawson Center – A historic marina turned boat museum, this is an interesting stop.

Places to Eat

  1. Andriaccio’s – For Italian or pizza around the lake.
  2. The Village Casino – What used to be a bath house, is now a restaurant right on the water in Bemus Point. You can dock your boat right out front, and have food delivered to you, as well as dine in or on the front deck.
  3. Andriaccio’s – For Italian or pizza around the lake.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

What BFC Families Are Doing to Keep Kids Active This Summer

Struggling to find activities to keep the kiddos busy this summer? It can be challenging from going to fill a couple days a week to an entire week with entertainment. We talked with a few BFC families to see what they are doing to help keep the kids active, engaged and learning this summer. Here are their plans.

Mandy, mom of 1 (preK)

Our family is kicking off summer by hitting the road and having some (not too far) adventures in our hometown state of Texas. You can be amazed at the fun you can have at places nearby rather than traveling hundreds of miles across states. Plus, gas savings is a huge plus! We just went camping for a night next to a river where you can swim, and in July, we are heading to a small resort in Texas Hill Country that has a couple of pools and river access. Finding water activities during a Texas summer is a must!

We also enrolled our child in camp at his PreK/daycare this summer where they do art, lots of reading, and water activities. 

Lindsay, mom of 3 (baby to elementary)

To fill our long summer (May-August) our kids are keeping busy with a few big items. In June we have “Cousin Camp,” when we hire two sitters for the 10 days that my sister and her kids visit. We clean out the garage and have a theme each day along with lots of activities around that theme. Afternoons are spent in the pool with lots of screaming!

Once that concludes School Camp begins. My boys are signed up for 9am-3pm M-F and will be busy with lacrosse, swim, biking, legos, basketball, science, magic and more!

In July and August we will be road tripping up north for lots of grandparent and cousin time. The boys will spend their days on our family’s small farm building their independence and confidence by taking care of the cattle, harvesting and weeding the garden, bailing hay, mowing the grass, cook-outs, camping and spending lots of time with grandpa doing chores outdoors.

Dana, mom of 2 (early elementary)

Our summer is kicking off with a couple of fun, local camps. First there’s Swim Camp and then Golf Camp, which both help keep the kiddos active and engaged with other kids. Next up, we are taking a road trip to New England for a nice change of scenery and a bit of cooler summer weather, followed by an amusement park adventure.

We also love to visit our local library to check out new books to read at nighttime before bed and explore nearby parks for playgrounds, biking trails, etc. for weekend adventures!

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!