All posts by bellfamilycompany

Prep for First Sitter Appointment

  1. Check in with the family via email or text as soon as you get the confirmation email to say hello and that you’re looking forward to meeting them.
  2. During this exchange, reiterate the start and end time and location to ensure that all the details you received on the confirmation email are accurate. 
  3. Review the family’s profile for special notes and/or job conditions to have a good understanding of the family’s background and needs. If you have any questions you can ask BFC prior to meeting the family.
  4. Dress appropriately. Wear attire that is both childcare friendly and professional. Look presentable as this is the first impression you are making on the family.
  5. Show up on time! On time is 5 minutes early so that the family does not begin to worry if you’ll be late. Use a GPS device to get directions ahead of time and plan ahead if the weather is supposed to be bad, the subways are slow, etc.
  6. Make sure to greet the family upon meeting them and proceed with asking if you should take your shoes off and wash your hands prior to starting to work with the kids. 
  7. There is a ZERO tolerance for no shows. Cancellations with less than 4 hours notice, this will result in removal from our company. Our families rely on BFC to give them calm. If a babysitter cancels at the last minute, it turns their day upside down and creates chaos for us. If you need to cancel for any reason, give BFC HQ at least 24 hours to cancel. We understand things come up, so at least 24 hours is a courteous timeframe to give notice and we will replace you or reschedule your trial. With any cancellation, we do take note of how often someone cancels and this could affect our view of how reliable you are for future appointments. Please only take appointments you can keep so we know you are always dependable. 

Watch these videos before you take your first babysitting job with BFC. It will answer many of your questions & set you up for success:

Have a great appointment!

How to Check Out of a Sitter Appointment or Nanny Trial

Make sure you have your Stripe account set up. This is how a family pays you. Enter all your personal information correctly. This should take 5-10 minutes. 

Step 1: Log into your BFC profile, go to UPDATE APPLICATION on your calendar page & then click on PAYMENT SET UP tab. Click on the RED link (example below) and follow the prompts. Do NOT go to to set up your account. 

You must have Stripe set up prior to getting paid.  Setup to receive payment through Stripe.

Step 2: How do I know I set up Stripe successfully?  Log into your BFC profile, go to UPDATE APPLICATION on your calendar page and then click on PAYMENT SET UP tab you will see “Great job, you successfully set up your Stripe account” if you did it successfully.  That indicates you are done! If you don’t see that copy and you see this instead: You have some pending requirement for accepting payment. Click here to learn more  click on the link to enter the missing information. 

Step 3: Depending on your bank, it can take a few hours, days or weeks for your account to reflect ‘verified’. When your account reflects ‘verified’ that means that you are now able to receive funds. Be patient, it will be verified soon and you’ll be paid.

Now Checkout!

  1. When you receive the BFC checkout notification email, click on the blue highlighted link that says “CHECK OUT”. This link takes you to the BFC login page. Login.
  2. Your main calendar page will appear. Scroll below to find your list of appointments with PROCESS CHECKOUT links. Be sure to click on the correct appointment you just completed. This will take you to the page where you enter your hours, expenses, etc. 
    • – Make sure to double check that the dates are correct for start/end time (i.e., If you work past midnight, make sure the dates are correct as 12:30pm will be the NEXT day).
    • – Make sure you add the correct number of children and the times you worked with them. If you cared for a different amount of children for different hours, make sure you break down your checkout. Sometimes the family is okay with you checking out for the total amount of children they have, regardless of exactly when you were with them.
    • Petcare: ONLY click this box if you are specifically asked to care for the family’s pet. This does not mean playing with the pet around the home that naturally lives there, but actual pet care duties such as dog walking, or feeding cats/dogs, etc. Many families ask for these services without remembering the fee exists. If asked to do petcare, please remind the family that there is an additional $20 charge so they are not surprised at checkout.
    • Add Misc. Expenses that were known and preapproved by the family. If the family said they would reimburse you for buying the child snacks or they offer to order you dinner and would like it put on the checkout, add this as an expense. If you have multiple expenses, you can continue to click “add” to create a list of expenses.  If the family said to add a tip, you can also add that amount to your Misc. section. 
    • Add Transportation: IN THE TRI STATE AREA ONLY Cab/Uber/Lyft/Car Service fare home up to $30 shall be added for appointments that begin before 7 a.m. or end after 9 p.m.  Keep a photo of your receipt if the family requests to save it. Occasionally, a family will offer to order you a car service on their private account/credit card, which is also acceptable at which point you would not charge them separately for transportation. 
  3. Once done, CLICK SUBMIT you will receive an email that lets you know you’ve successfully checked out.

Note rates are set at a market minimum. If you are not comfortable with the market minimum please contact us, as all jobs are processed with these rates. Any sitter that proceeds with a booking confirms they are comfortable with the rates on our website.

The family will pay you within 3 business days per our terms. If they are late, they receive a reminder email to complete and all checkouts are typically complete within 48 hours. If a delay persists, you may email us.

How to Prep for a Nanny Interview or Trial

  1. Check in with the family via email or text as soon as you get the confirmation email to say hello and that you’re looking forward to meeting them.
  2. During this exchange, reiterate the start and end time and location to ensure that all the details you received on the confirmation email are accurate. 
  3. Review the family’s profile for special notes and/or job conditions to have a good understanding of the family’s background and needs. If you have any questions you can ask BFC prior to meeting the family.
  4. Dress appropriately. Wear attire that is both childcare friendly and professional. Look presentable as this is the first impression you are making on the family.
  5. Show up on time! On time is 5 minutes early so that the family does not begin to worry if you’ll be late. Use a GPS device to get directions ahead of time and plan ahead if the weather is supposed to be bad, the subways are slow, etc.
  6. Make sure to greet the family upon meeting them and proceed with asking if you should take your shoes off and wash your hands (if it is a trial and you are working with kids).
  7. After the interview, send a thank you email or text thanking the family for their time and tell them it was great meeting them.

IF YOU CHOOSE TO CANCEL: There is a ZERO tolerance for no shows.  If you need to cancel for any reason, you must give at least 24 hours notice before appointment start time. Families rely on their providers to give them calm. If a nanny cancels her interview or trial, it tells the family that they will cancel on them in the future and may not be a candidate to further consider. 

Sample Nanny Interview Questions – Practice these at home prior to the interview!

  • On being a nanny
    • Why are you a nanny?
    • Why are you looking for a new position?
    • Why are you interested in this job?
    • Describe your ideal family/employer:
    • What do you like least about being a nanny? Answer this in a positive light!
  •  On working with children
    • What are your beliefs about childrearing?
    • What do children like best about you?
    • How do you comfort children? How do you deal with separation anxiety?
    •  How do you discipline children? Give me an example of a previous discipline problem and how you handled it.
    • What are some of the rules you’ve followed in other households that you think worked well?
    • Which rules haven’t worked for you?
    • Would you be willing to follow my rules and disciplining/comforting strategies even if they’re different from yours?

Introducing MilkMate: Your Complete Lactation Room Solution

We had the opportunity to partner with the Founder & CEO of MilkMate, Patrice Meagher, to learn more about MilkMate and how it’s helping to bring a lactation room solution for working moms and employers. Learn about their revolutionary, all-in-one pumping system built for workplace environments and how it’s making a difference in our Q&A below.

Q: What was your “aha moment” when you realized the creation and implementation of MilkMate is something that workplaces everywhere need? 

A: Juggling four children who I breast-pumped for and a high-demand commercial real estate job, I didn’t even stop to think about how I could make the experience better. I was so focused on just trying to make it work. Throughout the journey, I found camaraderie in what I called the “secret society of pumpers” in my office, where we shared extra parts, pumps and tips. Over time, I became involved in conversations about workplace lactation spaces, which was a great step forward, but I could see from my own experience that more was needed. It wasn’t just one “aha moment” but a series of them. As employers and landlords began asking the right questions, I realized there weren’t clear answers. That’s when I knew I had to create MilkMate to fill a real gap in the market, making it easier for working moms to choose both their family and their job.

Q: Can you give us a glimpse into your lifestyle and/or management style of how you successfully juggle working and being a mother of four?   

A: I don’t know if “successfully” is the right word, but I do my best. At MilkMate, we always say “it’s about time”, and for me, everything revolves around efficiency. If there’s a way to save time, I’m going for it. Another important aspect is not being afraid to ask for help when needed. It can be hard, but it’s also empowering to raise your hand and request the support you need to succeed. 

Q: How can I bring up the need for MilkMate to my employer? 

A: It can be challenging, especially with a topic that can feel sensitive like breast pumping. That said, our team is here to help you with this. If you’d like us to reach out to your employer directly (we don’t even have to mention your name), you can fill out this form on our website. We’re also always happy to speak with you directly and guide you from there based on our experience with helping employees ask for MilkMate as a benefit. 

Your Wellness Wheel for 2025

We’re empowering women to start the new year off on a high note, and one thing that BFC is doing to kick start the movement is by supporting other women. We’re proud and excited to feature, Joyce Shulman, as our guest writer for this blog as she talks about her experience as a working mom and her mission towards wellness.

Fifteen years ago, during a particularly chaotic time when I was juggling the demands of running a business while raising two kids, my mother shared an observation that has stayed with me ever since.

“I feel like we did your generation a disservice,” she said.

“How so?” I asked, curious and maybe a little defensive.

“Because my generation threw out the rulebook. We told you that you could do it all. But we never told you how,” she explained. “And now you all seem like you’re working so hard to do everything and do it all well. Frankly,” she concluded, “it looks exhausting.”

She was right. I grew up believing I could do it all. And, in many ways, I did. I practiced law for a decade before embarking on an entrepreneurial journey, building and exiting four different companies. Along the way, I raised two fantastic kids who are now launching their own adult lives. But it wasn’t easy. My mom’s words sometimes echoed in my mind: there were moments when it was exhausting.

Yet throughout my journey, I remained a student of what it takes to live a happy, healthy, and balanced life. I experimented, stumbled, and learned. And now, in this new chapter, it has become my mission to share what I discovered: six key pillars of wellness that serve as a framework for creating a more balanced, fulfilling life. By adjusting the dials of each, you can move closer to living in harmony— though, as we’ll discuss in a moment, your wheel will never be perfectly round.

The Six Pillars of Wellness

  1. Physical Activity: Movement is medicine, and it’s non-negotiable. Regular physical activity boosts your energy, strengthens your body, and uplifts your mood. Are you moving enough?
  2. Fun: Fun isn’t optional; it’s mission-critical to a happy life. Do you know what lights you up? Are you making time for joy, play, and laughter?
  3. Ikigai: This Japanese concept refers to your “reason for being”—the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid to do. Are you living in alignment with your passion and purpose?
  4. Nutrition for Fuel: Food is both fuel and medicine. It impacts how you feel today, tomorrow, and for years to come. Are you nourishing your body with what it truly needs?
  5. Rest & Recovery: Wellness requires both effort and ease, energy out and energy in. Are you honoring your need for rest and recovery, or are you constantly pushing through exhaustion?
  6. Connection: Relationships are a cornerstone of happiness and longevity. Are you prioritizing deep, meaningful connections with friends, family, and community?

Putting It Into Practice

I invite you to download a copy of my Wellness Wheel from my website here. Print a few copies and use them to check in with yourself. Which pillars are thriving? Which need a little extra attention?

But here’s the key: you’re not aiming for perfection. You won’t always feel completely aligned with your purpose, be exercising regularly, eating well, resting enough, having fun, and maintaining deep connections all at once. Life simply doesn’t work that way. The Wellness Wheel isn’t about achieving a perfect score; it’s about cultivating awareness. It’s about noticing where you might need a little more care and making small adjustments.

Remember, the goal isn’t to do it all. It’s to create a life that feels balanced enough for you to thrive. Here’s to your well-being in 2025 and beyond.

Joyce Shulman


Joyce Shulman is a professional coach working with women at the intersection of their personal and professional lives. Clients have called her work “brilliant” and “life-changing.” If you’d like to have a conversation about where you are and, more importantly, where you’d like to be, email her at [email protected].

BFC Kid Zones Are Here!

BFC Kid Zone’s are a custom made, interactive kid-only area designed to plug into any family friendly function. This is a perfect way to keep your guests’ children entertained and well cared for while you and your guests enjoy your wedding, corporate function, family fun event and more!

Our childcare providers will come fully equipped with activity stations that engage and empower your guests’ children. From arts and crafts corner to further inspire those creative minds, princess, safari and fairyland entertainers that will light up their lil’ eyes, to movie night for wind down time, we’re here to bring the entertainment!

Our team will also lead a check-in/check-out station, provide custom take home gift bags and offer a level of elite service that will wow you and your guests.

BFC Kid Zone’s are designed to help make your special day an even bigger success. Contact us today and our team will help get a BFC Kid Zone organized at your next function!

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the Tri-state & Dallas areas). Contact us today to hire.

The Ultimate Nanny Resume Template

It’s time to update your resume! It’s always good practice to keep your experience up to date. Whether you are currently looking for a job, or already signed up to babysit with us, show families your up-to-date expertise. You can copy and paste our recommended template below into a word document and plug in your personal information and experience. Email us a copy or log into your BFC profile to upload for us and families to see.

Your First and Last Name 
City and state you reside | Cell | Email 
Add photo of yourself if you’d like here

Professional Summary
Type up in a paragraph, show your personality, use good grammar and punctuation, and complete sentences.

  1. How many years of childcare experience do you have? 
  2. Tell us about all the childcare positions you have worked.
  3. Tell us about your personality and goals.
  4. Why do you want to be a nanny?  


Do you speak any other languages, have certifications/trainings in a field, do you have a driver’s license, do you swim, do you have a passport and are willing to travel?


Name of College/University, start/end dates, graduation year, major and/or minor.

Childcare Experience

Family first and last name (start date and year – end date and year), City, State 

  1. Was it full or part time (how many hours)?
  2. How many kids, and what ages when you started?
  3. What were your daily duties?

Other Professional Experience

Name of business (start date and year – end date and year), City, State 

  1. Was it full or part time (how many hours)?
  2. What were your daily duties?

Note: References available upon request.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Getting Kids on a Routine

Is it tough for your kids to transition from summer’s lazy days to school’s rigorous schedule? It is for mine. 

I wanted to come up with a way to get everyone acclimated so it was not such a struggle. To help get my kids on a routine, I write out an agenda or schedule of sorts for them to follow the next day. Some may call this micromanaging, but if they don’t have a to-do list they are completely lost at home over the summer.

Each of my kids get an index card with a schedule and it looks something like this:

• 7:30 am – Wake up, eat breakfast, make bed and pick up room
• 8:30 am – Brain exercises
• 9:30 am – Outside play (basketball, pickle ball, ride bike, go on a walk/hike)
• 11 am – Snack time 
• 12 pm – Lunch
• 1 pm – Read and practice multiplication (my husband offered them a treat if they know their times tables by end of summer)
• 2 pm – Kid’s choice (they play board games or cards)
• 3 pm – Video games (reward time)
• 4 pm – Swim 

As the day goes on, they cross items off their index card and feel a sense of accomplishment! Do they get off course, yes, but at least it provides them with some guidance throughout the day.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the Tri-state & Dallas areas). Contact us today to hire.

Why Is It So Hard for Moms to Ask for Help?

Getting childcare help is an essential part of parenthood, but not all Moms are getting the help that they need. We asked moms, “Why is it so hard to ask for help?” The most common answers were:

• I want it done a certain way.
• Mom guilt.
• Not sure who to ask.
• I feel that it’s my job to do it.
• The time it takes to set up I my as well do it myself.

Mom #1: Lindsay, 4 children

I like to do a lot of it a certain way, but I try to teach my husband how to do things around the home and with the kids so I don’t have to do everything. I also ask for help a lot and don’t feel bad about it. My husband is mortified to ask for help, he will always just do it himself. If I don’t ask for help it makes me resentful and always leads me to exhaustion.

Mom #2: Kate, 3 children

I think part of it is due to social media. We all live in this fake reality where it appears that everyone has everything together (all the time) and we have to keep it together too. It’s the pressure we put on ourselves as moms that makes it hard — mom guilt is real.

Another thing I run into is who do I even ask for help? We all assume these responsibilities and put it on our shoulders to do everything the best that we can. I know when I do ask my mother-in-law or mom for help they are so happy to do it!

Mom #3: Alex, 2 children

I think some of it has to do with a sense of pride of “being able to do it all” – and perhaps asking for help would take away from that. 

I don’t subscribe to traditional gender roles, but I think moms may feel guilty “needing” help — especially if they don’t work (like it’s their job to take care of the kids and the house so they shouldn’t outsource).

I ask for help because it makes me a better mom, wife, friend and person. It ensure that I get a break so I’m able to be present and enjoy my time with my family. 

Mom #4: Elisa, 3 children

For me, I often think that the time it takes to set up childcare I my as well do it myself, but that’s not true! I think moms don’t share their real trials and tribulations with each other, resulting in each feeling as if they are the only one having difficulty balancing it all. 

Get the childcare help you need today! Contact our team of childcare experts and we’ll guide you to finding the childcare coverage you need.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the Tri-state & Dallas areas). Contact us today to hire.

How to Conquer Motherhood With 4 Kids

Going from three to four kids is a lot. People told me it’s much the same as going from two to three kids, but I think it’s harder! So, how does one manage a lot of kids? A lot of patience, love and help!

I found that getting childcare and household help assists me in being a better mother, friend and wife. 

A part time nanny can bring consistency to the family and offer a regular schedule of coverage. For my family, we use a part time daytime career nanny. This allows me to work from home consistent hours four days per week, grab lunch or a coffee once in a while with a friend and attend my workout class every Wednesday. I get to mingle, check off my weight bearing exercises and leave the house!

My nanny also helps me tidy up the kitchen and folds the children’s laundry — a BFC Family Helper would also be great at things like this!

For date night, when I need additional coverage during the day or weekends or for overnights when my husband travels, I book a BFC sitter. I use a sitter at least once per week as something always pops up in our schedule.

I love being a mom. I also love being a good wife, daughter, sister and friend.  I found outsourcing to reliable childcare providers is the best way to enjoy the many hats we mamas wear.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the Tri-state & Dallas areas). Contact us today to hire.