Tag Archives: childcare

Flying with a Baby Survival Guide

Greetings, all!

We all know we have given side-eye to the crying baby sitting next to us on a plane at some point in our travel adventures. Most of us plug in our head phones or have a glass of wine to cope, but that’s when it’s not our responsibility. Suddenly, life has thrown you a curve ball, and you are now the mom, sitter, or nanny with the crying baby on your lap. How do you cope?

We found a great article through Travel + Leisure that provides a survival guide on how to handle a crying baby through all of your travel adventures. Take a read, and find side-eye no longer in your vocabulary.

Fly in the morning, not afternoon
To avoid the fussy (4-6pm) time for babies

Window seat works best
Something to lean on, no one will run into you, and your baby won’t be distracted by everyone walking past you

Keep bottles, pacifiers, and toys handy
Classic tools to help babies during take-off and landing with those popping ears

For the full article on Travel + Leisure click here.


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

Inside Raising an Introvert Child

Greetings, all!

It seems that not all of us are outgoing or described as social experts with those around us – who knew? We wanted to share a great article with you that we read in Parents Magazine, that looks inside raising a child that is an introvert. The article touches on topics including, how to react as a parent if your child is an introvert, nurturing an introvert child, and activities to do together to increase your child’s comfort.

We also chatted with Mama Bell to get her opinion on raising both introverts and extroverts through her five girls. She’s practically an expert in her own, right?

A Parent’s Reaction (or Overreaction)

Parents often push their introverts to be more outgoing by playing a team sport like basketball – a tactic that can backfire because the chaos of kids shouting and running in different directions is too much to take.  An introverted child might more naturally excel at an individual sport like swimming or karate.

Dr. Laney says her clients repeatedly show concern about their introverted children’s marathon attention spans. “A lot of parents don’t like it if their child reads a lot,” she says, noting that their failure to understand this side of their kids’ nature is especially heartbreaking since excellent concentration is one of the benefits of an introverted temperament – a real plus for everything from rocket science to musical composition.

Nurturing Your Introvert

Introverted kids are often well liked and popular, but they’ll frequently pick a few close buddies instead of befriending the entire class. Introverts also need to have their privacy respected, even more than other kids do. “Extroverted parents think everyone needs to do everything together,” Dr. Laney says. “But for an introvert, it can be a relief to have some time alone.” Because introverted children with extroverted siblings can feel lost in all the talking, she counsels parents to plan one-on-one time to give their more reserved child some tranquility.

At school, it helps to start each year with an upbeat note to your child’s new teacher. “You can say, ‘Helen needs more time than average to get acclimated to a new setting’ suggests Dr. Smallwood. Teachers generally welcome insights into their students’ psyches, she says, and are less likely to put a child on the spot if they know she feels uncomfortable in the limelight.

Out and About with Your Introvert

1. In the Community: Let him see how you handle casual interactions like errands. When you compliment a bank teller, you’re showing your child how to make chit-chat.

2. At the Playground: If your child wants to play with the other kids but isn’t sure how to enter the action, encourage her to take her time easing in.

3. On Playdates: Instead of dropping off an introverted child at an unfamiliar home, invite a classmate to your house. After they’ve played together at your place a few times, change the location to the park and then to the other child’s house.

4. At Birthday Parties: Help your child settle in to these often daunting whirlwinds of activity by hanging around and gradually disengaging yourself instead of leaving at the first sign that he’s going to be okay.

For the full article on Parents.com click here.


Wise Words from Mama Bell (on raising both introverts and extroverts with her five daughters)

I didn’t feel it was my duty to change their personality, but I encouraged all the kids in the same way I approached life, which was to be active and productive. Our house was a busy place, a whirlwind at times and I left it pretty much up to the kids to see where they fit in to it all. I think that in itself made the kids come out of their shell.  My oldest was an extrovert and she led the way, the second was more introverted, but followed in the oldest’s  footsteps to an extent and was active in school and friends. The middle child more an introvert did the same. The fourth, an extrovert made her own path – most active path. A surprise of sort as she was teased a lot growing up by her older sisters. The youngest was an introvert but took the path of daughters two and three being active in and out of school. I had more one-on-one time with the youngest with the  older kids slowly leaving the nest, so we were buddies and did a lot together. I still call her by her nickname, Bud.

When you’re a child, I feel like the more you do, the less you sit by yourself, and the more experiences you have, that ultimately brings you out of your shell. I guess the rule for my kids was follow by example. Not only did the kids follow each other, but thank goodness they had great examples and both parents were very busy and nourished the idea to be active, productive, and good people.

I think I am a blend as three of my children are. I will not be the first to speak out, but will not be taken advantage of either. This changed as I got older. I guess I was lucky I never had to think of it as a challenge because the kids generally always found their way on their own, making friends, being successful and happy. Not to say there weren’t bumps in the road, but we worked it out as a family.

My parenting tactic in all situations with all personalities was similar, distinguish between right and wrong and being safe and healthy with your choices.

Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

Newborn and Infant Training with Bell Family

Greetings, all!

Bell Family Company’s Infant Expert Training course was held on January 26, 2016 for a select group of our most seasoned infant sitters. Pager.com (app for on demand healthcare) teamed with Bell Family to provide pertussis and flu vaccines to any sitters in need of a boost. Bell Family had an array of teachers, coaches, moms, and experts in the field for the course, from an RN to a psychologist, Licensed Social Worker and a Doula.

The course covered many topics including newborn safety, sleep training, when to call the doctor, calming a fussy baby, and SIDS.

Tammy Gold (Licensed Therapist and Certified Parent Coach Author, Secrets Of The Nanny Whisperer, and mother of three) spoke on:

  • Presentation/boundaries, and
  • How to communicate with families, parents, and new moms.

Ali Shepard (Our in house Nanny Coordinator/LMSW) spoke on:

  • Newborn development and infant directed speech,
  • Ali educated participants on early childhood development stages such as, Cognitive, Communication, Social-Emotional, Adaptive and Physical Development, and
  • How to communicate with newborns and infants based on their age.

Inka Rudnyka (Postpartum Doula and mother) spoke on:

  • Latching, and troubleshooting if a mother is having trouble trying to latch,
  • How to prepare breast milk, and
  • Burping methods.

Amy Sulce (Pager RN) spoke on:

  • Umbilical cord care,
  • Bathing a baby,
  • Sleeping pattern and positioning,
  • Weight loss/gain for a newborn,
  • Sanitation,
  • Elimination patterns, and
  • Feeding patterns and techniques.

Lindsay Bell (Company President and new mom) spoke on:

  • The Happiest Baby on the Block: The 5 S’s – Swaddling, Side or Stomach positioning, Shushing, Swing and Suck, and
  • Understanding postpartum depression.


Written by Meredith Hamler, Coordinator, Sitter Services

Signs of Labor

Greetings, all!

Labor can start at any second from week 37 onward. I’m at 37 weeks now and I’m finding it difficult to distinguish between gas, Braxton Hicks, and real labor contractions. You should be on the lookout for any signs of labor! A term baby can be born anytime between 37 weeks and 42 weeks of pregnancy. I found this site super helpful in providing answers as I woke up at 3 a.m. with strange quick pains.

Note that a “term” pregnancy is divided into four blocks:
1. Early term (between 37 weeks 0 days and 38 weeks 6 days)
2. Full term (between 39 weeks 0 days and 40 weeks 6 days)
3. Late term (between 41 weeks 0 days and 41 weeks 6 days)
4. Post term ( between 42 weeks 0 days and beyond )

What is term labor?
Term labor begins when you have contractions between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. Your due date is set at the first day of the 40th week. When you have contractions that begin before 37 weeks, it is called preterm labor, and if they wait to start past 42 weeks you are considered post term.

Take a look at this site for some answers and relief. It provides some helpful insight on the following topics:

– What are the signs (Braxton Hicks Contractions) that labor is starting?
– What are the signs of true labor?
– When does labor start for twins?
– When you start having contractions you should time the interval between them
– Birth plans
– Breech position and how it complicates labor
– Breech position and external cephalic version
– Growth and development of baby


Written by our founder and new mom, Lindsay Bell!

No Fear in Getting Sick

Greetings, all!

Let’s face it, when it comes to getting sick, we try our best to turn and run in the opposite direction. However, vomiting is not always avoidable. It’s a fear commonly experienced with children of all ages, including my 25-year-old self. But let’s talk about ways to overcome this fear, and how to give your child a positive mind-set when it comes to getting sick.

Through AboutKidsHealth, Patrick J. McGrath, OC, PhD, FRSC, offers some great advice when a client asks the question:

My 11-year-old son had the flu and vomited. He was very upset by this and now is avoiding foods that he thinks might make him vomit. He does not want to hear anything about people being sick or about the foods he avoids. He thinks he is going to vomit often but has only vomited once or twice. What can I do?

Dr. Pat replies with four things one can do to help their son/daughter overcome this phobia.

1. Tell him/her that vomiting and feeling like vomiting are unpleasant, but they protect the body.
2. Downplay his/her concerns about throwing up. He/she isn’t likely to vomit and it won’t hurt them anyway.
3. Insist he/she eat small amounts of their feared foods. How much they eat doesn’t matter. Help him/her face what they are afraid of.
4. Don’t avoid speaking about people being sick or the foods he/she avoids.

Other ideas that us at Bell Family like include:

1. Have your child sleep in a sleeping bag next to your bed to calm him/her that you are near by.
2. Have a pretend pill (candy) and call it the “no getting sick pill” that he/she can take before bedtime.
3. Chart his/her sleep; every night they sleep well they get a star.
4. Eating; make sure he/she eats at night, but try smaller portions before bed so their belly isn’t full and can be more sensitive to anxiety making them feel like they will throw up. 

For the full article on AboutKidsHealth, click here


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

How to Perform CPR

Greetings, all! Are you needing a quick refresher on compressions only CPR? Well, it just so has it that the refresher you are looking for is below!

Note this post was developed and sourced by Bell Family from our training and experience in CPR, First Aid, and Fire Safety through the American Heart Association and from our training with the Fire Department of New York. We also cited trusted blogs for added information. Note this is NOT a training or certification. These are simply helpful tips.

How to perform CPR – Newborn/Infant
Perform CPR if the child is not breathing, has no pulse and has lost consciousness.

1. First do back blows

– If a baby is conscious but can’t cough, cry, or breathe and you believe something is trapped in their airway, carefully position them face up on one forearm, cradling the back of their head with that hand.
– Place the other hand and forearm on their front. The baby is now sandwiched between your forearms.
– Use your thumb and fingers to hold the jaw and turn them over so that they’re facedown along the other forearm. Lower your arm onto your thigh so that the baby’s head is lower than their chest.
– Using the heel of your hand, deliver five firm and distinct back blows between the baby’s shoulder blades to try to dislodge the object. Maintain support of the head and neck by firmly holding their jaw between your thumb and forefinger.
– Next, place your free hand (the one that had been delivering the back blows) on the back of the baby’s head, with your arm along the spine. Carefully turn the baby over while keeping your other hand and forearm on the front.

2. Then do chest thrusts

– Use your thumb and fingers to hold the jaw while sandwiching the baby between your forearms to support their head and neck. Lower your arm that is supporting their back onto your opposite thigh, still keeping the baby’s head lower than the rest of their body.
– Place the pads of two or three fingers in the center of the baby’s chest, just below an imaginary line running between the nipples. To do a chest thrust, push straight down on the chest about 1 1/2 inches. Then allow the chest to come back to its normal position.
– Do five chest thrusts. Keep your fingers in contact with the baby’s breastbone. The chest thrusts should be smooth, not jerky. Repeat back blows and chest thrusts.
– Continue alternating five back blows and five chest thrusts until the object is forced out or the baby starts to cough forcefully, cry, or breathe on their own. If coughing, let them try to cough up the object.
– Repeat the chest compressions and so on, until help arrives.

Child (toddler to approximately 7-8 years old, dependent on weight)
Check for alertness.  Tap the child gently. See if the child moves or makes a noise. Shout, “Are you OK?”

– If there is no response, shout for help. Tell someone to call 911 and get an AED (if available). Do not leave the child alone until you have done CPR for about two minutes.
– Carefully place the child on his/ her back. If there is a chance the child has a spinal injury, two people should move the child to prevent the head and neck from twisting.

1. Perform chest compressions

– Place the heel of one hand on the breastbone — just below the nipples. Make sure your heel is not at the very end of the breastbone.
– Keep your other hand on the child’s forehead, keeping the head tilted back.
– Press down on the child’s chest so that it compresses about 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the chest.
– Give 30 chest compressions. Each time, let the chest rise completely. These compressions should be FAST and hard with no pausing. Count the 30 compressions quickly.

2.  Open the airway

Lift up the chin with one hand. At the same time, tilt the head by pushing down on the forehead with the other hand.
– Look, listen, and feel for breathing. Place your ear close to the child’s mouth and nose. Watch for chest movement. Feel for breath on your cheek.
– If the child is not breathing: Cover the child’s mouth tightly with your mouth.  Pinch the nose closed. Keep the chin lifted and head tilted. Give two rescue breaths. Each breath should take about a second and make the chest rise. Continue CPR (30 chest compressions, followed by two breaths, then repeat) for about two minutes.
– After about two minutes of CPR, if the child still does not have normal breathing, coughing, or any movement, leave the child if you are alone and call 911. If an AED for children is available, use it now.
– Repeat rescue breathing and chest compressions until the child recovers or help arrives.

100 beats per minute. Sing a song that goes along with the pace of the compressions (“Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees or “Let’s Get It Started” by the Black Eyed Peas). 


Safety Refreshers
Note this is NOT a training or certification. These are simply helpful tips. 

Newborn and Infant (1 month-1year)

1. Burping

– Hold the baby with their chin near your shoulder. Support the baby with one hand and gently pat/rub their back with the other to soothe them while allowing their body to stretch out with your hand.
– Sit the baby on your lap with one hand, supporting their chin and pat/rub their back.
– Lay the baby at a slight angle (with their head higher than their chest) on your lap facing you; rub their belly to soothe them while they stretch out their body. We advise this method as a last resort after the above two.

2. Choking

– ONLY if you clearly see and can easily extract the item that is obstructing the airway, take it out. DO NOT stick your fingers down the baby’s throat to try and scoop something out (this can shove it farther down).
– If you cannot see the object, don’t try to find it. Start back blows.

3. Changing a diaper

–  A newborn/infant’s diaper should be changed following each feeding, approx. every 2-3 hours. As child gets older, time frame will vary. Consult parent for schedule.
– Be sure that you put the diaper on correctly- not backwards.
– Dispose of used diaper properly. 

Toddler Safety Techniques

– For naps and bedtime: Do not have anything in the crib with them, unless the parent instructs.
– Make sure electrical outlets are covered or inaccessible.
– Always keep one hand on an infant sitting on a high surface, i.e. a changing table to prevent falling.
– If there are stairs in the home, always use a gate.
– Keep your purse and any hazardous household items (electrical cords, medicine, cleaners, art supplies, toiletries etc.) out of a child’s reach.
– Stay with ALL children throughout bath time and never use more than a couple inches of water.
– Always ensure food is broken up into small enough pieces to prevent choking.
– Never administer medicine without the parent’s permission.

Pre K and K Safety Techniques

– Always use a helmet and/or protective pads when appropriate.
– If at a playground, make sure the equipment is age-appropriate for the children you are supervising.
– When crossing the street, choose street corners with crosswalks and make eye contact with drivers prior to crossing in front of them and always hold the child’s hand. Even if they are older, you must guide them across.

Elementary and Up Safety Techniques

– You are their biggest role model. Model safety first! Teach them safety rules for crossing streets, playing at playgrounds, etc.
– Avoid playing on non-impact-absorbing surfaces, like concrete.
– Remove helmets before using playground equipment.
– Keep screen use to a minimum.

1. AED Reminders

–  Don’t use AED near water.
– Don’t use while child is wet or in a bathing suit.

2. First Aid Tips and Tricks

– Carry 1st aid Kit with you- band aids, Kleenex, wipes, etc.
– Don’t give kids medicine without parental permission.
– Always use sunscreen in summer.
– Bring water always.

3. Fire Safety Tips and Tricks

– Make sure the home is installed with fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Change the batteries in all detectors every six months.
– Develop a home escape plan with the children and family in case of an emergency. Have two exit routes available. Do a practice fire drill so the children understand where they are supposed to go (make an activity of it).
– There are two types of apartment buildings, fireproof and non-fireproof:
a) A fireproof building is usually a high-rise, so the building is made of concrete, not wood. If the fire is not in your apartment, it is probably safer to stay inside than to enter a smoke-filled hallway. Keep the door CLOSED, and seal the gaps with duct tape or wet sheets/towels. Open the windows slightly. Call the Fire Department. b) A non-fireproof building is usually an older building, has an exterior fire escape, and is made of wood. If the fire alarm goes off, leave the building immediately.

– Children and toddlers have a curiosity about fire. Make sure they are taught to NEVER play with matches and lighters. If a child expresses curiosity about fire, calmly but firmly explain that matches and lighters are tools, not toys.
– Never leave a child unattended in a room with a lit candle.
– Do not use candles if the power goes out. ONLY use flashlights.
– Never use an extension for large appliances.
– Turn off/unplug all space heaters whenever you leave the room. Do not leave children unattended in rooms with space heaters. Never plug in space heaters into extension cords.
– Using a fire extinguisher for a SMALL fire: 1) Pull the pin, holding the extinguisher upright 2) Aim at the base of the fire, from 20 ft. away 3) Squeeze the handle 4) Sweep from side to side.
– Fire extinguishers can only be used ONCE, and must be replaced or refilled after a use.
– Cooking fires/grease fires should NOT be extinguished with water because it will splash the grease and spread the fire. First, turn off the stove. Then use either baking soda or slide a lid over the pan to smother the flame. Do not attempt to pick up/move the pan, and do not take off the lid before a couple of hours.
– Always stay in the kitchen whenever there is something on the stove. Keep pan handles facing inwards in case a child tries to grab at the handle. Ideally, keep pans on the back burners if the children are around.

FDNY with sitters_edited-1

Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

CPR Training Near You

Greetings, all!

Are you in the NYC, Los Angeles, or Chicago areas, and looking to get CPR training? Us at Bell Family did some digging, and here is what we found.

New York

1. Free CPR training through FDNY (Download their “Be 911” free app)

2. HeartStart Training provides certification courses daily that cover infant, child, and adult CPR/AED/First Aid

Los Angeles

1. American Red Cross

2. American Heart Association


1. American Red Cross

2. CPR in Chicago (FREE)

3. Chicago Pulse

If you take one of these courses as a BFC prospective sitter, be sure to get proof and send it to our team. Please note, Bell Family does not reimburse for certification or independent training.

FDNY with sitters_edited-1

Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

Bored Children, No More!

Greetings, all!

It seems like it’s getting harder and harder to find ways to keep children entertained these days. To get away from the TV screens that seem to follow us everywhere, we put together this impressive list of fun activities, so both you and your child can fight the power of boredom.

1. Go to the park, make friends!

2. Make a treasure hunt – get some paper, crayons, and map out the hunt and hide the treasures.

3. Go on a nature hike – pack a zip lock baggie and gather all the cool things you find on the hike, and then write about them when you get back home.

4. Make clean up a game! Sing a song and chart how much you cleaned up.

5. Schedule a play date.

6. Hit the library – see if they have reading corners scheduled, research some great books and find them at the library.

7. Create your own book – encourage the child to get super creative.

8. Dance party – get music and make up a dance.

9. Try out a new restaurant and pretend to be a food critic.

10. Play tourist for a day.

11. Make an obstacle course outside or inside if the space is big enough.

12. Play board games.

13. Go for an I SPY walk. Make a list of all items you need to find, take a camera and snap the photos.

14. Babysitting for girls? Create at home spa day.

15. Go pottery painting.

16. My favorite – build a fort. Use pillows, blankets, blocks, anything you can, and have the kids visit each other in the fort they build.

17. Make a collage of photos.

18. Cook or bake with the kids. Have them follow the recipe, read it out loud, teach them about measurements.

19. Chalk drawing outside on the sidewalks.

20. Build a town – with a banker, hotel, restaurant, and have each child run the shop. They will love it!

Special thanks to The Centsible Life and our Founder, Lindsay Bell, for the great ideas!


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

Fun Family Event This Weekend: Really Ready to Read!

Greetings, all!

We wanted to bring our followers a very special event taking place this weekend at Society of Illustrators, that features Meredith Oppenheim and world-renowned psychologist Dr. Shefali Tsabary. At the event, you can learn about Conscious Parenting, a philosophy and bestselling book forwarded by HH The Dalai Lama, that revolutionizes the parenting journey and allows us to transform our relationship with our children.

Learn how Meredith put this philosophy into practice when the word games she and her daughter created inspired their self-published book Really Ready to Read, which generated over $10,000 on Kickstarter with proceeds going to early literacy charities.

Attendees can also look forward to literacy games, crafts, dance, music and more for children 4–8 years of age.

Event Information:
Sunday, March 6, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  Society of Illustrators – 128 E. 63rd St (between Park & Lex)

Cost:  $30/adult and $5/child
To register for the event click here!

We hope many of you will be at this great event to learn more! And when you’re there, share photos from the event on our Facebook page, or tag @lindsaybellnyc on Twitter!


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

101 Ways to Carry Your Child

Greetings, all!

Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but we have a lot of ways you can tote around your little ones in this impressive list of car seats and carriers from Big City Moms.

Let’s start with some car seats to look out for in 2016.

1. 4Moms Self-Installing Car Seat – If installing the car seat is your biggest fear

2. Chicco KidFit Zip Booster Seat – If your child requires two bibs to be on him/her at all times

3. Evenflo SafeMax All-In-One Carseat – If airbags are your favorite feature in the car

4. Diono Monterey Booster – If growth spurts run in your family

5. Clek Foonth – If you want your little one to star in NYFW (New York Fashion Week)


Next up, let’s take a look at some of the top carriers to look out for in 2016.

1. BabyBjorn Baby Carrier We Air – If sweating buckets while wearing it is your biggest fear

2. BabyBjorn Baby Carrier One – If your known to take forever to get comfortable

3. Onya Baby Cruiser – If you love pillows, sheep, cashmere, and all things soft

4. Beco Baby Ring Sling – If one size fits all is your favorite size

5. Becco Baby Limited Edition Gotham Print – If you can never get enough of the city


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!