Tag Archives: motherhood

Introducing MilkMate: Your Complete Lactation Room Solution

We had the opportunity to partner with the Founder & CEO of MilkMate, Patrice Meagher, to learn more about MilkMate and how it’s helping to bring a lactation room solution for working moms and employers. Learn about their revolutionary, all-in-one pumping system built for workplace environments and how it’s making a difference in our Q&A below.

Q: What was your “aha moment” when you realized the creation and implementation of MilkMate is something that workplaces everywhere need? 

A: Juggling four children who I breast-pumped for and a high-demand commercial real estate job, I didn’t even stop to think about how I could make the experience better. I was so focused on just trying to make it work. Throughout the journey, I found camaraderie in what I called the “secret society of pumpers” in my office, where we shared extra parts, pumps and tips. Over time, I became involved in conversations about workplace lactation spaces, which was a great step forward, but I could see from my own experience that more was needed. It wasn’t just one “aha moment” but a series of them. As employers and landlords began asking the right questions, I realized there weren’t clear answers. That’s when I knew I had to create MilkMate to fill a real gap in the market, making it easier for working moms to choose both their family and their job.

Q: Can you give us a glimpse into your lifestyle and/or management style of how you successfully juggle working and being a mother of four?   

A: I don’t know if “successfully” is the right word, but I do my best. At MilkMate, we always say “it’s about time”, and for me, everything revolves around efficiency. If there’s a way to save time, I’m going for it. Another important aspect is not being afraid to ask for help when needed. It can be hard, but it’s also empowering to raise your hand and request the support you need to succeed. 

Q: How can I bring up the need for MilkMate to my employer? 

A: It can be challenging, especially with a topic that can feel sensitive like breast pumping. That said, our team is here to help you with this. If you’d like us to reach out to your employer directly (we don’t even have to mention your name), you can fill out this form on our website. We’re also always happy to speak with you directly and guide you from there based on our experience with helping employees ask for MilkMate as a benefit. 

Your Wellness Wheel for 2025

We’re empowering women to start the new year off on a high note, and one thing that BFC is doing to kick start the movement is by supporting other women. We’re proud and excited to feature, Joyce Shulman, as our guest writer for this blog as she talks about her experience as a working mom and her mission towards wellness.

Fifteen years ago, during a particularly chaotic time when I was juggling the demands of running a business while raising two kids, my mother shared an observation that has stayed with me ever since.

“I feel like we did your generation a disservice,” she said.

“How so?” I asked, curious and maybe a little defensive.

“Because my generation threw out the rulebook. We told you that you could do it all. But we never told you how,” she explained. “And now you all seem like you’re working so hard to do everything and do it all well. Frankly,” she concluded, “it looks exhausting.”

She was right. I grew up believing I could do it all. And, in many ways, I did. I practiced law for a decade before embarking on an entrepreneurial journey, building and exiting four different companies. Along the way, I raised two fantastic kids who are now launching their own adult lives. But it wasn’t easy. My mom’s words sometimes echoed in my mind: there were moments when it was exhausting.

Yet throughout my journey, I remained a student of what it takes to live a happy, healthy, and balanced life. I experimented, stumbled, and learned. And now, in this new chapter, it has become my mission to share what I discovered: six key pillars of wellness that serve as a framework for creating a more balanced, fulfilling life. By adjusting the dials of each, you can move closer to living in harmony— though, as we’ll discuss in a moment, your wheel will never be perfectly round.

The Six Pillars of Wellness

  1. Physical Activity: Movement is medicine, and it’s non-negotiable. Regular physical activity boosts your energy, strengthens your body, and uplifts your mood. Are you moving enough?
  2. Fun: Fun isn’t optional; it’s mission-critical to a happy life. Do you know what lights you up? Are you making time for joy, play, and laughter?
  3. Ikigai: This Japanese concept refers to your “reason for being”—the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid to do. Are you living in alignment with your passion and purpose?
  4. Nutrition for Fuel: Food is both fuel and medicine. It impacts how you feel today, tomorrow, and for years to come. Are you nourishing your body with what it truly needs?
  5. Rest & Recovery: Wellness requires both effort and ease, energy out and energy in. Are you honoring your need for rest and recovery, or are you constantly pushing through exhaustion?
  6. Connection: Relationships are a cornerstone of happiness and longevity. Are you prioritizing deep, meaningful connections with friends, family, and community?

Putting It Into Practice

I invite you to download a copy of my Wellness Wheel from my website here. Print a few copies and use them to check in with yourself. Which pillars are thriving? Which need a little extra attention?

But here’s the key: you’re not aiming for perfection. You won’t always feel completely aligned with your purpose, be exercising regularly, eating well, resting enough, having fun, and maintaining deep connections all at once. Life simply doesn’t work that way. The Wellness Wheel isn’t about achieving a perfect score; it’s about cultivating awareness. It’s about noticing where you might need a little more care and making small adjustments.

Remember, the goal isn’t to do it all. It’s to create a life that feels balanced enough for you to thrive. Here’s to your well-being in 2025 and beyond.

Joyce Shulman


Joyce Shulman is a professional coach working with women at the intersection of their personal and professional lives. Clients have called her work “brilliant” and “life-changing.” If you’d like to have a conversation about where you are and, more importantly, where you’d like to be, email her at [email protected].

Why Is It So Hard for Moms to Ask for Help?

Getting childcare help is an essential part of parenthood, but not all Moms are getting the help that they need. We asked moms, “Why is it so hard to ask for help?” The most common answers were:

• I want it done a certain way.
• Mom guilt.
• Not sure who to ask.
• I feel that it’s my job to do it.
• The time it takes to set up I my as well do it myself.

Mom #1: Lindsay, 4 children

I like to do a lot of it a certain way, but I try to teach my husband how to do things around the home and with the kids so I don’t have to do everything. I also ask for help a lot and don’t feel bad about it. My husband is mortified to ask for help, he will always just do it himself. If I don’t ask for help it makes me resentful and always leads me to exhaustion.

Mom #2: Kate, 3 children

I think part of it is due to social media. We all live in this fake reality where it appears that everyone has everything together (all the time) and we have to keep it together too. It’s the pressure we put on ourselves as moms that makes it hard — mom guilt is real.

Another thing I run into is who do I even ask for help? We all assume these responsibilities and put it on our shoulders to do everything the best that we can. I know when I do ask my mother-in-law or mom for help they are so happy to do it!

Mom #3: Alex, 2 children

I think some of it has to do with a sense of pride of “being able to do it all” – and perhaps asking for help would take away from that. 

I don’t subscribe to traditional gender roles, but I think moms may feel guilty “needing” help — especially if they don’t work (like it’s their job to take care of the kids and the house so they shouldn’t outsource).

I ask for help because it makes me a better mom, wife, friend and person. It ensure that I get a break so I’m able to be present and enjoy my time with my family. 

Mom #4: Elisa, 3 children

For me, I often think that the time it takes to set up childcare I my as well do it myself, but that’s not true! I think moms don’t share their real trials and tribulations with each other, resulting in each feeling as if they are the only one having difficulty balancing it all. 

Get the childcare help you need today! Contact our team of childcare experts and we’ll guide you to finding the childcare coverage you need.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the Tri-state & Dallas areas). Contact us today to hire.

How to Conquer Motherhood With 4 Kids

Going from three to four kids is a lot. People told me it’s much the same as going from two to three kids, but I think it’s harder! So, how does one manage a lot of kids? A lot of patience, love and help!

I found that getting childcare and household help assists me in being a better mother, friend and wife. 

A part time nanny can bring consistency to the family and offer a regular schedule of coverage. For my family, we use a part time daytime career nanny. This allows me to work from home consistent hours four days per week, grab lunch or a coffee once in a while with a friend and attend my workout class every Wednesday. I get to mingle, check off my weight bearing exercises and leave the house!

My nanny also helps me tidy up the kitchen and folds the children’s laundry — a BFC Family Helper would also be great at things like this!

For date night, when I need additional coverage during the day or weekends or for overnights when my husband travels, I book a BFC sitter. I use a sitter at least once per week as something always pops up in our schedule.

I love being a mom. I also love being a good wife, daughter, sister and friend.  I found outsourcing to reliable childcare providers is the best way to enjoy the many hats we mamas wear.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the Tri-state & Dallas areas). Contact us today to hire.

What BFC Families Are Doing to Keep Kids Active This Summer

Struggling to find activities to keep the kiddos busy this summer? It can be challenging from going to fill a couple days a week to an entire week with entertainment. We talked with a few BFC families to see what they are doing to help keep the kids active, engaged and learning this summer. Here are their plans.

Mandy, mom of 1 (preK)

Our family is kicking off summer by hitting the road and having some (not too far) adventures in our hometown state of Texas. You can be amazed at the fun you can have at places nearby rather than traveling hundreds of miles across states. Plus, gas savings is a huge plus! We just went camping for a night next to a river where you can swim, and in July, we are heading to a small resort in Texas Hill Country that has a couple of pools and river access. Finding water activities during a Texas summer is a must!

We also enrolled our child in camp at his PreK/daycare this summer where they do art, lots of reading, and water activities. 

Lindsay, mom of 3 (baby to elementary)

To fill our long summer (May-August) our kids are keeping busy with a few big items. In June we have “Cousin Camp,” when we hire two sitters for the 10 days that my sister and her kids visit. We clean out the garage and have a theme each day along with lots of activities around that theme. Afternoons are spent in the pool with lots of screaming!

Once that concludes School Camp begins. My boys are signed up for 9am-3pm M-F and will be busy with lacrosse, swim, biking, legos, basketball, science, magic and more!

In July and August we will be road tripping up north for lots of grandparent and cousin time. The boys will spend their days on our family’s small farm building their independence and confidence by taking care of the cattle, harvesting and weeding the garden, bailing hay, mowing the grass, cook-outs, camping and spending lots of time with grandpa doing chores outdoors.

Dana, mom of 2 (early elementary)

Our summer is kicking off with a couple of fun, local camps. First there’s Swim Camp and then Golf Camp, which both help keep the kiddos active and engaged with other kids. Next up, we are taking a road trip to New England for a nice change of scenery and a bit of cooler summer weather, followed by an amusement park adventure.

We also love to visit our local library to check out new books to read at nighttime before bed and explore nearby parks for playgrounds, biking trails, etc. for weekend adventures!

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Morning Routine: How Moms Handle the Morning Chaos

If you’re a mom, you know that mornings can bring a certain level of stress. From waking everyone up, prepping breakfast and school lunches to getting the kiddos off to school, it’s not an easy haul.

We talked with four different moms with kids ages 7 months to 9 years to hear about their morning routines and to share tips with other moms. Here’s what they had to say.

Lindsay, mom of 3 (ages 7 months, 4 and 6) My morning routine starts early. I’m usually up twice in the wee hours of the morning when my baby wakes up. Last night I was up at 3 a.m. to feed my baby a bottle, burp and change her. She’s teething, and when I pick her up to sooth her she barfs on me. I change everything and get back to bed around 4 a.m. At 7 a.m. my two older sons run into my bed and jump on me. They want to play Wordle, so they grab my phone and I watch as my oldest keeps swiping up to get my email notifications off the screen. Soon after, my husband comes in and plops the baby on me and says he has to take a shower. At this moment, I have three kids on me (one is not dressed and has Nutella all over his face while on my white comforter… Grrrr!).

We head into the kitchen and I sit at the kid’s table trying to motivate them to eat and get dressed, while my husband repeatedly says, “We are going to be late for school.”

Our nanny arrives around 10 a.m. to help tidy up the kitchen and care for the baby. At that time, I’m finally able to get dressed and brush my teeth and head to my at-home office to start my workday.

Courtney, mom of 3 (ages 3 and 9 year old twins) Mornings, particularly weekday mornings, are not for the faint of heart. I remember calculating how many things I did one morning and felt I deserved a major reward.

My husband works six days a week and is usually out the door before I brush my teeth. So, with that being said, I have a lot on my plate with getting the kids dressed, beds made, backpacks packed, breakfast, snacks, and on and on. I’m also trying to check email in the morning while all of this is unfolding (sigh). For the most part these days have become somewhat of a routine, but don’t let that fool you. Someone might have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, which creates another level of chaos. But yes, the routine helps and also a lot of deep breathing and coffee. 

Jamie, mom of 1 (age 9 months) When does the morning even start? My 9 month old daughter still wakes up 2-3 times per night, with a final wake up at sunrise around 7 a.m. She usually crawls around in our bed a bit until one or both parents are ready to function. Each morning, I take my daughter over to our bedroom window for her to greet the day. We say “Good morning, world – Good Morning, birds – Good morning, cars.” She loves it and just lights up!

Once we make our way downstairs, my husband will feed the baby while I get ready for work. On the days I go into the office, I drive to the train station to catch the 8:05 a.m. train into Washington, DC. On WFH days, I’ll lounge around a bit more and feed the baby in the morning so my husband gets a moment.

No two days are the same. It’s a lot of on-demand attention to what’s needed hour-by-hour. The flexibility has its benefits, but a little structure is also helpful. The days we have childcare help are always smoother and more balanced.

Katie, mom of 3 (ages 2, 4 and 5) I get my youngest son up from bed at 6 a.m. and then my next move is to immediately head to the coffee machine. Luckily, my husband and I rotate the early morning waker each day so the other can get an extra hour of sleep. I get him his breakfast and squeeze in some snuggles before I head back to the kitchen to start filling water bottles and getting things ready for school. Oh, and meanwhile, I’m checking work emails to see if any of my Europe clients have urgent requests. Perks of working for a global pharma company. 

The other two kids head downstairs at 7 a.m. and everyone has their breakfast. Peppa Pig or Spider-Man can be seen on the TV in the background. They assist me in keeping the kids in one place as I get them dressed and do their hair.

I run upstairs around 7:30 to change and get ready. I come back downstairs (in record time) to load everyone in my car with my husband. At least one person is screaming or having an exorcism. I drop the youngest two off at daycare (we do part-time daycare and part-time nanny care) and then my oldest and I head to Dunkin’ to consume our breakfast (which includes a large coffee for me). This stop on the way to the carpool line is religious to my morning routine. If I had to chose between Dunkin’ and my husband … I’d need a few minutes to think.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on-demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Childcare During a Pandemic: What Moms Are Doing Across Different Regions

In today’s day and age, there is no one clear path when it comes to childcare. Parents have had to be flexible in completely new ways, and every parenting situation is different based off of their children’s ages, work schedule and area they live in. We talked with three different moms in three different regions across the U.S. to see what their current childcare plan is. Here is what they said.

Lindsay, southern mom with 3 children (ages 6 m/o, 4 & 5)

Work scene: Full or part time depending on the week. I work from home in my home office downstairs (adult zone) and the upstairs is a full blown kid zone. I keep my computer open throughout the day and have set ‘office hours’ four days per week; I ad hoc work as needed. I try to get out of the house and work in a coffee shop once a week, but do most of my work at home. 

Childcare scene: I have reoccurring sitters four days per week (hours vary each day depending on my schedule) plus at least one date night every two weeks. Babysitters and kids stay upstairs so I can try to separate work and family, but that doesn’t always happen. My two oldest are in school full time M-F and the baby is home. The biggest challenge is sickness, and trying to care for my babies and my business at the same time. Sometimes I have to surrender and reschedule all my work for the next day. Balance is always a work in progress. 

Katie, midwest mom with 3 children (ages 2 , 3 & 5)

Work scene: Work from home full time. I didn’t have one week of work in December without a kid home and me working at the same time.

Childcare scene: My oldest is in kindergarten in person full time, while the other two mix daycare and a part time nanny. I watch them at home when sick or needing to quarantine, which serves up the most challenging days.

Jamie, east coast mom with 1 child (age 8 m/o)

Work scene: I went back to my full time job in late September (after four months of paid family leave). I’m typically in the office two days a week and WFH the other days. I work as a Director for a large biopharmaceutical company and have thankfully been able to do a hybrid schedule, which has been great for me as a new working mom (hopefully that flexibility stays)!

Childcare scene: My husband WFH part time and is the main caretaker of our daughter during the work week. I try to cover a feeding, diaper change or squeeze in a stroller walk in between meetings when I WFH. Every week is a busy frenzy of multi-tasking. We’re currently looking to hire a consistent part time nanny to help balance our work and parenting duties.

Nothing like a good kid cameo in your meeting.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on-demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

A Pandemic Pregnancy: What Comes After the Third Trimester

Baby boom or baby bust? To my surprise, I joined the former category during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic when my husband and I discovered we were expecting our first child on a rainy fall Thursday. If 2020 wasn’t already a blur with the sudden onslaught of a global pandemic that shuttered “life as we know it”, we also squeezed in a small wedding – and now a baby? My planner mode activated into full gear over the following months as we prepared for another big life transition. Now, I reflect back on those months, having gained perspective and a new sense of clarity.

1st Trimester – Be open to spontaneity. Many of us learned to be professionally agile as we quickly pivoted to a virtual world during the pandemic, but we also needed to adapt personally. This includes resisting our desire to control outcomes or stick to a set plan. Like many of us didn’t see the pandemic coming, I didn’t plan this pregnancy, but here we were. After the initial shock wore off over the next 48 hours, I embraced the situation, focused on getting our ducks in a row and watching every baby movie I could stream (Look Who’s Talking trilogy, yes, please!). I soon came to see this spontaneous event as a blessing – excited for the opportunity to become a mom and to gain a new perspective on life.

2nd Trimester – You can’t (and shouldn’t) get everything you want. Going through my first pregnancy during a pandemic brought its challenges – no traveling to be with my family for Thanksgiving or Christmas, no one to share my growing baby bump with except my husband and the four walls of our home and going to all my baby check-up appointments solo were tough. These trying moments surely brought frustration and some tears, but I learned to deal. Instead, we celebrated a quiet holiday at home, I texted lots of baby bump selfies to keep my family updated and virtual technology allowed for both a Zoom baby shower and for my husband to see and hear the baby’s ultrasound via FaceTime. After all, we were lucky to be healthy and together amidst the larger hardships so many others faced.

3rd Trimester – Be present. Two weeks before my due date I opened my journal to reflect on all that we’ve been through over the last year and the final days before our daughter’s arrival. I set an intention to be present, positive, at peace and patient as a parent. This moment of presence prompted me to write my future child a letter. She’ll one day open this letter and learn about our journey, the extraordinary time she was born and how excited we were to meet her.

4th Trimester – Practice daily gratitude. Yes, there is a fourth trimester of pregnancy and it’s called postpartum. There are many adjustments and worries when bringing a new baby home. But my days would become instantly better when I paused to take stock of what I was grateful for – a healthy new baby, a safe delivery, a new home for our family and a job that offers adequate paid parental leave to care for and bond with our newborn. These moments of gratitude brought peace and reinforced what mattered most. I continue to remind myself each day to be grateful for life’s many blessings.

Becoming a mom was my pandemic silver lining. While both were unexpected, my pandemic pregnancy gave me a new perspective and appreciation in life. I was able to slow down, prioritize what mattered most and eventually, recharge. We have all experienced loss, uncertainty and fear during this trying time. But I hope we also have gained a new perspective and appreciation for life – and found our silver lining.

This article was written by Jamie Bell, working mom, wife & Bell sister

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted on-demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Meet Ann Myhre: DONA Trained Birth Doula

We recently had the opportunity to collaborate with Ann Myhre, a mother of three and DONA trained birth doula located in Dallas, Texas. In our Q&A  below, she shares her extensive knowledge on birth and postpartum doulas, the benefits of having one, how to make pregnant life easier and more! She even had an at home session with our Founder & Owner, Lindsay Bell, where she taught Lindsay comfort and labor techniques. There’s so much great information here – read on!

Q: What are some of the services women can expect from a birth and postpartum doula and why are they beneficial?

A: I think it is important to first define what a birth doula is and her role within the realm of pregnancy and birth.  I believe that there is a misconception that a doula is only used for someone who wants an unmedicated birth. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.  A doula, by definition, is a person who provides emotional and physical support to the birthing person during pregnancy and childbirth regardless of the way they choose to plan their birth. At North Dallas Doula Associates we support all types of birth and all types of birthing families. We create a safe and encouraging environment for the laboring mother through getting to know each other during the pregnancy, focusing on specific goals and fears and lastly by providing continual labor support for the family so they can achieve their optimal birth experience. The great thing about a birth doula is that they can help you learn how to advocate for yourself through evidenced based research so you feel prepared when it is time to have to make certain decisions. Having a doula by your side can also help the birthing person and their partner feel more connected by helping provide comfort measures and allowing the partner to focus on supporting their partner. I have used the same doula for all three of my births and I could not imagine giving birth without her by my side. We were a team (myself, my husband and my doula). It is also statistically proven that having a doula reduces the risk of a cesarean, increases the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth, and increases the overall satisfaction of the birth.

A postpartum doula’s role is to support the birthing person in a variety of ways after birth. Like a birth doula, they get to know each other during the pregnancy and their role begins as soon as they leave the hospital or as needed. A postpartum doula can assist with overnight care for mother and baby, basic breastfeeding and baby care, help with siblings and serve as a mentor for the mother.  If I knew I had this option after my first child I think my postpartum experience would have been vastly different. I underestimated the shift that would take place in my life after becoming a mother and how finding time to even take a shower or go to the store with a newborn could be a struggle. Research shows that the entire family has an easier time with this transition if a good postpartum support team is in place. I think it is important to also differentiate the difference in a postpartum doula versus having childcare in place. While both are important, a postpartum doula has been trained on what I mentioned above and their primary role is to support the mother while a child care provider’s support focuses on the child.  

Q: What are some of the latest tools and techniques that help make the lives of pregnant women easier?

A: I wish that there was a magic wand that could be waved to make the lives of pregnant women easier. It really takes a village not only to raise a child, but also to support a pregnant person and the biggest takeaway from this conversation is that women do not need to go through this journey alone. Taking a childbirth class, getting regular massages, chiropractic care, having a birth plan and feeling empowered and prepared prior to birth are the biggest ways I see of making their lives easier. I am also a huge advocate of maternal mental health and allowing oneself the ability to work through any emotions or trauma that might affect one’s birth experience. Every birth is different and it is so important to try and process experiences and enter into this journey with a fresh mindset and that can sometimes be difficult to do. We often refer to a great local therapist that specializes in maternal mental health named Kim Kertsburg with Dallas Postpartum Support.   

Q: BFC’s Founder & Owner and her donut pillow have been best friends during her pregnancy. What are the benefits of a donut pillow and when would you recommend expecting moms to grab one?

A: As I mentioned before, every pregnancy and birth is different and the body can respond differently. Lindsay had been telling me about her tailbone pain and I just happened to have a beloved donut pillow and yoga ball at my house. This piggybacks a little bit on the previous question regarding the latest tools and techniques that help make the lives of pregnant women easier. Not all expectant moms may be having lower back or tailbone pain and might not need tools such as a donut pillow. Or they may find that during the postpartum period they could benefit from one for a variety of reasons. I am a huge advocate of chiropractic care during and after pregnancy. There is a wonderful practice here in Dallas called Cafe of Life Chiropractic. They specialize in prenatal chiropractic care and their goal is to get you comfortable through regular adjustments and to get your pelvis in an optimal position for birth. They will also help you by suggesting comfort measures you can take to help alleviate some of the discomfort that comes with growing a baby.

For more information on Ann and North Dallas Doula Associates, click here.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted on-demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care, help with virtual learning, and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the tri-state area). Contact us today to hire!

Girl Power Alert: Pregnant Sisters Having Girls

It’s rare enough to be pregnant alongside a sister, but throw in that the sisters are both having girls and their mother also birthed five girls; the girl power is getting real!

Our Founder & Owner, Lindsay Bell, is expecting a child alongside one of her sisters and not for the first time. I guess that’s what happens when you come from a family with five girls all close in age; there’s bound to be some overlapping pregnancies.

Lindsay and her sister Jamie are both expecting their first girl just a few months apart. What does it mean to each of them to be pregnant alongside a sister and to be having a girl for the first time? Find out from the sisters below!

I kind of fit the mold for being a boy mom. My four sisters and I were always tom boys. I was completely happy expecting another boy, I just wanted to have another baby. When I found out it was a girl, I welled up with tears. I guess I didn’t realize how much I wanted a girl. The bond I have with my mother and four sisters is one of a kind and now I get to share that with my daughter. The extra special part is my middle sister Jamie is  expecting a girl alongside me, but happens to live 1,500 miles away from me (weep). I got to share all three of my pregnancies with a sister who happened to be pregnant at the same time. Talk about a special gift. Having a sister on a text thread who’s awake at weird hours, huffing and puffing while you walk together and talk about baby, sharing pregnancy photos and asking baby food questions has ben a joy to experience. I hope our daughters will be great friends and support one another through life’s miracles just like their moms did!

Lindsay Bell

Four weeks after I got married this past fall, I was surprised to find out that I was expecting. Shortly after I hit the 12-week mark, I broke the news to my sisters on a Zoom call. Everyone was shocked, including me all over again. I didn’t plan or talk about wanting to become a mom, but always thought it would happen some day if it were meant to be. I guess it was. Thankfully, I have a close sister squad with an abundance of recent mothering experience, including a mom that birthed five girls (naturally!) to lean on for support and know-how. Just a few months later, my oldest sister Lindsay, found out she was also expecting, her long-hoped for third, and both our babies to be girls! While it’s been tough at times navigating my first pregnancy physically distant from my family during this COVID-19 pandemic, I am glad we’ve been able to connect by all means digital to check-in, video chat in sloppy buns and pjs, and share updates on our latest doctor appointments or baby bump progression. I know the real questions lie ahead, but I am assured to know I have an abundance of resources and support just a phone call or text away. And that first in-person meeting with my newborn daughter and my sisters, and their kids, will sure be something special. 

Jamie Bell

Jamie has since delivered her baby girl, Sylvie, born last week.

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