Another great perspective from one of our newer caregivers, Brenna. Hear Brenna talk about what doors working for BFC opens on our YouTube channel!
Tag Archives: Bell Family Company
BFL – Sleep Training
Did anyone read the NY Times article on March 26th about Sleep Training at 8 weeks: Do you have the Guts? Tribeca Pediatrics, one of the largest pediatric practices in NYC, swears by it. They started the sleep training concept at 4 months, then 3, then again at 2 months to prove the theory. Obviously just because one way works for one family, doesn’t mean it works as well for the next. Do keep that in mind!
I’m not sure if I think I will take the plunge at 8 weeks. From my experience as a childcare provider & running a sitter and nanny placement service for nearly 10 years, I believe there is a fourth trimester for both the mother & baby. I’ve interviewed countless mothers during that period, which if you’re lucky is 3 months after the baby’s birth. From the mothers that I have spoke to, they are not ready to let go & it doesn’t seem like the babies are either. I do think the babies sense their mother’s anxiety, so if the mother is upset or nervous or simply not ready, the baby will sense that & react in the same manner.
However, there is this thing called sleep that we all need. So I completely understand wanting to start at 8 weeks if the parents need sleep as they may have to get back to work and cannot function without it. Talk with your partner on what you are ready for, and then try it out. Just be ready when its go time!
–Lindsay Bell
BFL – Annie Riley Fashion
Sometimes being a mom can be equated with less than glamorous looks (think: diaper bags, sweatpants, and sneakers), but we say it doesn’t have to be that way! One of our Chicago sitters, Annie Riley, shares some awesome fashion for moms. Annie has been featured on WGN Chicago, Fox News Chicago, and Fox Magazine addressing “how to make the most of your wardrobe” and “what styles to look for when shopping.” Annie popped in to style five weekday looks for moms:
Day 1: Toss on your favorite dress with a blazer, patterned scarf with a heel or bootie.
Day 2: This is a fun way to layer with a short-sleeved sweater, your favorite blouse, a patterned scarf (pattern on pattern is OK), a skirt with heels or booties.
Day 3: This is a great way to be warm enough with the transition into Spring – pairing a patterned top under a tweed blazer, camel colored pants with a heel or flat.
Day 4: Now that Spring is nearing, you can try this look without tights and just your favorite tall boot or bootie – go monochromatic with an oversized top and pencil skirt.
Day 5: A patterned blouse adds a funky flair with a textured pant and a blazer-pair with a fun earring or necklace, roll up the sleeves a bit with a heel, bootie, or oxford.
-Annie credits her love of fashion and the arts to her Great Grandma Breed. She has carried “Grandma Breed’s” vibrant spirit and passion from her days after school with her grandma into her adult life and career. While obtaining her BA in Psychology at Loyola University, she worked for Anthropologie and the Chicago based Julie Rowland Showroom. During her studies obtaining her MA in Counseling; Art therapy, she worked at J Crew for 6 years both in Chicago and New York City. While in New York, she styled for J Crew’s Blog and was featured in J-Crew training videos to demonstrate styling tips for other associates. Annie has also worked as a stylist on commercials for Verizon, Yoplait, Mercedes, John Varvatos, and others.
Family Friday: Shannon
Bell Family works hard to connect the best sitters and nannies with your families; truly making them feel like part of your family. We’d like to take this Family Friday to introduce one of our own Bell Family Company “family members” here in the office: Shannon.
Shannon is our resident Project Coordinator. Despite taking a few months off to travel the world, she is back in action and will be helping connect families and sitters from the NYC office.
Shannon is originally from Long Island and is a graduate of the University of Delaware. She loves to travel and has spent time abroad as a full-time, live-in Au Pair in Germany for 4 children ages 1-5 years. She is fluent in Spanish and conversational in German!

She has babysat her entire life for families in her neighborhood newborns to teens. Shannon also volunteered at a school with had classrooms that combine mainstream students and students with special needs. Shannon adores children and is a great part of the BFC team!
Guilt: Working Women
Over the past month I have met a number of different women, all with fascinating backgrounds, for coffee to talk business, share ideas, seek mentorship, and discuss triumphs and struggles.
Despite the different stages in life each are in (20s, 30s, 40s & 50s) there seems to be the general over harking struggle with guilt.
I don’t have enough time for my friends, boyfriend, partner, fiancé, or husband.
I never feel like I get ahead.
“Me time” does not exist.

I work too much. I am home too little.
I should go to the gym more.
I didn’t eat all day or I have been over eating.
I don’t get to see my family enough, I can’t keep up with everyone’s birthdays, celebrations, etc.
Even though this sounds like complaining, it was actually a relief to hear that all these women are feeling the same types of pressure.
Sheryl Sandberg wrote a lot about guilt in her book Lean In. Even as successful as she is now, she still struggles with balancing work with personal, while trying not to feel bad all the time.
I think making small adjustments such as no phones at the table with your fiancé or setting call dates with mom every other day is the step in the right direction of balance, but I am still trying to figure out what works for me.
–Lindsay Bell is the President of Bell Family Company
Welcome to the Bell Family Blog
We are excited to launch the new Bell Family Blog. Our blog will focus on promoting fun and healthy lifestyles for parents and kids alike. We will feature guest blogs by Bell Family Company (BFC) sitters, family and friends, fitness advice, product reviews, nutrition and health ideas, creative crafts and games, and much more!
Tune in every monday, wednesday, and friday for new posts.
- -Mondays: Bell Family Loves. This section will feature product reviews, companies, and services hand-selected by our member families, sitters, and staff.
- -Wednesdays: Working Women Wednesday (WWW). We will focus on highlighting working women and how they juggle full schedules with their personal and family lives. Look out for fun features on BFC President, Lindsay Bell, along with some of our veteran sitters turned moms!
- -Fridays: Fun Family Friday. Get to know the whole gang! We will be featuring one family, sitter, staff, or friend of the BFC brand each Friday.
Thanks again for stopping by; we look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday.
–Lauren works remotely for Bell Family as the social media and marketing coordinator. She has been babysitting for the neighborhood hooligans for over 10 years and joined BFC a year ago! In her free time, she loves baking and exploring DC.