Over the past month I have met a number of different women, all with fascinating backgrounds, for coffee to talk business, share ideas, seek mentorship, and discuss triumphs and struggles.
Despite the different stages in life each are in (20s, 30s, 40s & 50s) there seems to be the general over harking struggle with guilt.
I don’t have enough time for my friends, boyfriend, partner, fiancé, or husband.
I never feel like I get ahead.
“Me time” does not exist.

I work too much. I am home too little.
I should go to the gym more.
I didn’t eat all day or I have been over eating.
I don’t get to see my family enough, I can’t keep up with everyone’s birthdays, celebrations, etc.
Even though this sounds like complaining, it was actually a relief to hear that all these women are feeling the same types of pressure.
Sheryl Sandberg wrote a lot about guilt in her book Lean In. Even as successful as she is now, she still struggles with balancing work with personal, while trying not to feel bad all the time.
I think making small adjustments such as no phones at the table with your fiancé or setting call dates with mom every other day is the step in the right direction of balance, but I am still trying to figure out what works for me.
–Lindsay Bell is the President of Bell Family Company