Getting Kids on a Routine

Is it tough for your kids to transition from summer’s lazy days to school’s rigorous schedule? It is for mine. 

I wanted to come up with a way to get everyone acclimated so it was not such a struggle. To help get my kids on a routine, I write out an agenda or schedule of sorts for them to follow the next day. Some may call this micromanaging, but if they don’t have a to-do list they are completely lost at home over the summer.

Each of my kids get an index card with a schedule and it looks something like this:

• 7:30 am – Wake up, eat breakfast, make bed and pick up room
• 8:30 am – Brain exercises
• 9:30 am – Outside play (basketball, pickle ball, ride bike, go on a walk/hike)
• 11 am – Snack time 
• 12 pm – Lunch
• 1 pm – Read and practice multiplication (my husband offered them a treat if they know their times tables by end of summer)
• 2 pm – Kid’s choice (they play board games or cards)
• 3 pm – Video games (reward time)
• 4 pm – Swim 

As the day goes on, they cross items off their index card and feel a sense of accomplishment! Do they get off course, yes, but at least it provides them with some guidance throughout the day.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the Tri-state & Dallas areas). Contact us today to hire.

Why Is It So Hard for Moms to Ask for Help?

Getting childcare help is an essential part of parenthood, but not all Moms are getting the help that they need. We asked moms, “Why is it so hard to ask for help?” The most common answers were:

• I want it done a certain way.
• Mom guilt.
• Not sure who to ask.
• I feel that it’s my job to do it.
• The time it takes to set up I my as well do it myself.

Mom #1: Lindsay, 4 children

I like to do a lot of it a certain way, but I try to teach my husband how to do things around the home and with the kids so I don’t have to do everything. I also ask for help a lot and don’t feel bad about it. My husband is mortified to ask for help, he will always just do it himself. If I don’t ask for help it makes me resentful and always leads me to exhaustion.

Mom #2: Kate, 3 children

I think part of it is due to social media. We all live in this fake reality where it appears that everyone has everything together (all the time) and we have to keep it together too. It’s the pressure we put on ourselves as moms that makes it hard — mom guilt is real.

Another thing I run into is who do I even ask for help? We all assume these responsibilities and put it on our shoulders to do everything the best that we can. I know when I do ask my mother-in-law or mom for help they are so happy to do it!

Mom #3: Alex, 2 children

I think some of it has to do with a sense of pride of “being able to do it all” – and perhaps asking for help would take away from that. 

I don’t subscribe to traditional gender roles, but I think moms may feel guilty “needing” help — especially if they don’t work (like it’s their job to take care of the kids and the house so they shouldn’t outsource).

I ask for help because it makes me a better mom, wife, friend and person. It ensure that I get a break so I’m able to be present and enjoy my time with my family. 

Mom #4: Elisa, 3 children

For me, I often think that the time it takes to set up childcare I my as well do it myself, but that’s not true! I think moms don’t share their real trials and tribulations with each other, resulting in each feeling as if they are the only one having difficulty balancing it all. 

Get the childcare help you need today! Contact our team of childcare experts and we’ll guide you to finding the childcare coverage you need.

Looking to hire a babysitter or nanny? Bell Family Company provides fully vetted & FULLY VACCINATED on demand babysitting, including full and part time nannies, baby nurses, temporary care and more! Learn why BFC is the best childcare agency, with childcare providers available across the U.S. (on-demand service available in the Tri-state & Dallas areas). Contact us today to hire.