Category Archives: Uncategorized

10 Things You Don’t Know About Me – Taylor Bell

Greetings, all!

To continue our, “10 Things You Don’t Know About Me” blog week, I bring you me, Taylor Bell, BFC’s Marketing & Social Media Coordinator! Like Mama Bell, I have been apart of the BFC family from the beginning, starting as a design intern, and later returning to join the marketing team.

Here are 10 things you don’t know about Taylor Bell.

1. My name is Taylor, but no one in my family calls me that. I’m also known as Tay, Buddy, and T-bizz.
2. Pizza is my favorite food
3. My sister’s and I once put up a tent in our basement because my mom wouldn’t let me camp outside
4. I was a serious tomboy growing up – Lincoln Logs, Nike apparel, and playing football catch with my dad
5. Photography is one of my favorite hobbies
6. Black is my favorite color
7. I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was 15
8. I’ve never broken a bone
9. My mom and four older sisters are the leading ladies in my life
10. I love traveling, but usually sweat every time I get on an airplane


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

10 Things You Don’t Know About Me – Momma Bell

Greetings, all!

We are continuing our, “10 Things You Don’t Know About Me” blog week with our very own, Chris (Momma) Bell! Momma Bell has been with BFC since the very beginning, helping with our recruiting and retention, and even writing her own blog with us back in our Lucky Lil’ Darlings days.

Here are 10 things you don’t know about Momma Bell.

1. I still have sleep over parties with my college roommate
2. My kids have a lasting joke for when they come home to find what I’ve newly decorated in the house
3. And with that, it may be clear that interior decorating is my passion
4. I’ve been a devoted General Hospital watcher since Luke and Laura
5. The only movies you’ll find in my collection are rom-coms (romantic comedies)
6. My dad was a professional singer, but no one in our family can sing – seriously don’t ask us
7. I could listen to Christmas music 24/7
8. I may be known as a Dancing with the Stars groupie
9. I’m known to stop at every Gap store when visiting my daughter in NYC
10. I love the heat and the beach, and my husband loves the cold and the snow – clearly opposites attract


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

10 Things You Don’t Know About Me – Meredith Hamler

Greetings, all!

This week will be a special one for our blog, as we will be bringing our readers a blog post every day! Since many of us will be spending time with family over the next few days, we wanted you to get the chance to better know our family here at BFC. Each day we will be presenting a different member of the BFC team, by doing a feature similar to US Weekly’s, “25 Things You Don’t Know About Me”.

To kick things off, we bring you “10 Things You Don’t Know About Meredith Hamler,” our Coordinator with Sitter Services.

1. I have been tap dancing since I could walk
2. Pickles are my favorite food
3. I love anything Hello Kitty
4. My mom is my best friend
5. I’m obsessed with books, I’ll read anything and everything
6. Harry Potter is my most favorite series of all time, I’ve read all the books twice
7. I started running in middle school and still do almost daily
8. Every year on my birthday I have a dairy queen ice cream cake, the crunchy middle is my favorite
9. My biggest dream is to visit every country
10. I have the best boss in the world

MH and Mom

Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

Baby Shower Revival

Greetings, all!

Hosting a baby shower can be hard work. From the invites and theme, to finding a good location and food; there is a lot of planning that goes on behind the scenes. Then, it’s time for all of the action to take place, and the host is left to entertain the crowd. In efforts to keep the guests engaged, we’ve provided some fun activities to share with your crowd, because let’s face it, watching your friend open gifts for an hour starts to lose its thrill.
  • Activity 1: Gender Reveal
  • For those moms who have done a good job of keeping the gender of their baby a secret, how about revealing the gender at the shower? This gives the guests (and mom to be) something fun to look forward to at the shower. Some of our favorite gender reveal ideas:
  • Cakes: We love the work done by Jennifer Bunce, at The Hudson Cakery in Weekhawken, NJ!
  • Mustache or bow: Try out these pins on Etsy, and have your guests pin on their guess when they walk in. You can even give a small prize away to those who guess right!
  • Activity 2: He Said/She Said
  • Meredith, with Unoriginal Mom proves her name with this game. Get to know the mom and dad of the upcoming bundle. Have both mom and dad provide 5-10 facts about themselves and combine them onto one sheet. Have your guests circle either “he” or “she” to indicate who the fact belongs to. Try giving away a Hershey bar to the winner, shading either Hershey or Hershey.
  • Activity 3: M&M Bottle
  • Fill a baby bottle with M&Ms (or like candy) and have guests guess how many are in the bottle. Winner goes home with the bottle!
  • Activity 4: Word Scramble
  • Team up with the people at your table to unscramble all of the baby-related terms on your sheet of paper.
  • Activity 5: Price Is Right
  • From Frugal Fanatic, Adeline Ganley shows us how to create a Price Is Right themed game, by listing 10 baby-related items on a sheet of paper, and having the guests guess the price of each one. At the bottom, have them total up the cost of all items, and the person that’s closest to the actual total wins the showcase! You just need to decide what the showcase is.

Happy planning to all those baby shower goers out there! I know I’ll be caring these tips over into the upcoming showers for my two sisters this winter!


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

Make Travel Hassel-Free!

Greetings, all!

Unfortunately for parents, the word “travel” has become synonymous for “nightmare.” This blog post is dedicated to parents traveling with children this holiday season and a few easy tips on how to make the experience better.

Preparing for your trip:

1. It is important that your children are prepared for your trip physically and mentally. Make sure children know the vacation itinerary, how they are getting there, and how to behave in the airport, plane, train, or car. It’s also good to have an emergency plan in case they get separated from you in transit.

2. Get them excited for this adventure by enthusiastically introducing them to your vacation spot and method of traveling through photos, books, bedtime stories, and maps. Physically prepare them by stopping by the pediatrician for a check-up and verification that all vaccines are current before departing. If you are anxious about traveling with your child, talk to your pediatrician about your concerns.

3. If your family is flying, be sure to read up on your airline and airport prior to departure. Some airlines, such as JetBlue, offer pre-boarding for families with small children, making settling in for your trip easier. Familiarize yourself with the airport and TSA guidelines, while packing in order to avoid any confusion, frustration, or delays in your trip

4. Look into creative luggage options for kids such as the “trunki,” a carry-on sized suitcase that your child can sit on and be wheeled through the airport (great for tired or cranky children!).

The Day of:

1. With your introduction to the travel itinerary, emergency plan, and exciting adventures that await, your child should be eager for your vacation.

2. If your flight, train, or bus is early, pack breakfast—this will allow them to wake up later, and give them something to do while waiting to leave.

3. On that note, make sure to wake children (and adults) up early enough to get dressed and out the door. Don’t cut it close—arrive at the airport or terminal at the recommended time or earlier to ensure you have plenty of time to make it through security with your rugrats as well as leisurely make it to the gate with all of your cargo.

4. Dress yourself and your children in comfy clothes, and most importantly, shoes!

Bottom Line: Travel doesn’t have to be frustrating! Prepare in advance, get excited, and just relax. Even if you have a long day of travel, just remember all of the relaxing days of vacation ahead! Bon voyage!


Written by our Founder & President, Lindsay Bell!

Christmas Butter Cookies

Greetings, all!

If there’s one thing the holiday season is good for, it’s family traditions. Every year my mom recruits my sisters and I to help bake Christmas cookies for our family gathering. Naturally, we have our classics that we make (Russian tea cakes, peanut butter blossoms, and magic cookie bars), but none of these have a hold on the infamous Christmas butter cookie recipe.

Luckily for my mom, she has helpers in the kitchen, which include all five of her daughters. Given that we are a small army, we tend to divide and conquer the cookie making. I somehow got to be the one who always makes the butter cookies, which I admit to getting a little too into decorating. I have to applaud my mom’s decorating efforts though, which usually includes blobbing a spoonful of icing onto the cookie. A for effort, right?

The butter cookie recipe originated with my great grandmother (don’t even get me started on her nut roll), and every year we carry on the tradition of whipping up a batch, or five, of these yummy cutouts. This year I wanted to share the recipe with our BFC family, in hopes you find the recipe as delicious as my family does. The recipe below typically makes one dozen cookies.

3/4 c. butter (softened)
1/4 c. sugar
1 1/2 c. flour

Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in flour until dough mix forms. We also make our icing from scratch by using powdered sugar and adding small amounts of water until the mixture becomes slightly runny (think the consistency of syrup). If you are feeling crafty, add a drop of red or green food coloring to the icing, and dash sprinkles on top.
Bake temperature – 350 | Bake time – 8-10 minutes

We recommend pairing this indulgence with a glass of milk (Santa stocking caps optional). Happy Holidays to all of our inspiring Betty Crocker’s out there!


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

Village OB – Pregnancy at Ease

Greetings, all!

Village Obstetrics blends vast clinical expertise with a strong passion for helping you have your best birth. Our founder and president, Lindsay Bell, had the pleasure of sitting down over coffee and croissants with Dr. George Mussalli and Dr. Jaqueline Worth, to learn more about their mission. Their happy demeanor and wide experience is your guide throughout pregnancy, bringing you a deep sense of ease knowing that you are in the best of hands. Read Lindsay’s first hand experience below, and fall in love with Village OB just like we did!

I first learned of Village OB through a client, and became curious. A few weeks later, another client mentioned them to me. As an expecting first time mom, the birthing process completely terrifies me. Village OB provides a level of medical care I haven’t come across before. Their two doctor practice is a combination of of a 24/7 concierge with your own pseudo mom and dad available. They are always available to answer your questions on items regarding expecting and the birthing process.

My favorite aspect is the 24/7 concierge. I understand firsthand how hard running a 24/7 service can be! For a company or practice to offer that level of care and service, you know they are passionate, dedicated, and love what they do – they are ready to answer your questions at any time!

The uniqueness of each family is taken into account in order to cater your specific needs. Their philosophy is based on trust, joy, care, dependability, excellence and fun! Your doctor will guide you smoothly through each milestone appointment with ease. They provide a simple calendar for you to follow throughout your pregnancy, so that you know your appointments upfront and can plan in advance. As a fellow planner, this immediately takes away some of the anxiety of pregnancy.

Village OB delivers at Mount Sinai Hospital, where birth plans are supported. The practice has a high vaginal birth rate, including moms who have had a prior C-section. Village OB strongly support doulas as an important personnel, especially for those who desire unmedicated birth.  They can also help facilitate a number of techniques such as hydrotherapy, meditation, and hypnosis. It’s unhurried, safe birth, and a low c-section rate.

If you are interested in speaking with a member of their team or would like to speak with one of their past clients on their experience, please feel free to contact: [email protected].


Written by our Founder & President, Lindsay Bell!

Expecting Mom vs. Baby Brain

Greetings, all!

We recently checked in with one of our moms who just found out she is expecting her first child this spring! She was able to share her build up to receiving the exciting news, and some of the things she has done to prep for the newest addition to her family. Here is what she had to say…

“Baby Brain” to many expecting mothers is a term to define a block in your ability to think clearly. To me, it means trying to cram my brain with as much knowledge and awareness about becoming a new mom. I think it is important for moms to be, to not set unattainable expectations on themselves. For many, this is a once in a lifetime experience, and if you think like me, everything will fall into place accordingly. So, sit back and enjoy the ride!

As soon as I found out that I was pregnant, I was overjoyed. My husband and I have been trying for several months, and resorted to a form of fertility treatments. I am in my late 20’s, but the dreaded biological clock seems to be knocking on my door, even though technically there is still plenty of time. I took a couple of weeks to enjoy the news fully and not think about how I should start preparing. That time soon came to an end, as I could no longer keep all of the baby thoughts outside of my brain. Luckily for me, my husband is in the healthcare field, so together we started doing a lot of research online. I made copies of text from his medical books and printed probably 265 lists of things to do/get. Not to mention, I will be a working mom, so I immediately visited my company’s HR site to review and print maternity leave forms. My binder is beginning to resemble a copy of the Old Testament.

At the end of the day, my husband and I are competent people with an amazing support system. I know several expecting moms, and that brings me a sense of solace. Though, it is great to have a reference book with colored tabs and highlighted areas, the most important thing is to enjoy the experience. Don’t be afraid to ask other moms and resources questions along the way. I find other moms to be the “holy grail” of baby knowledge and a great support system.

Also remember ladies, there is always wine at the end of this journey!

Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

Toddler Tips

Greetings, all!

We’re spinning off of our October blog, “Infant 411”, by bringing you some every day tips to keep in mind with your toddler(s). You can thank the toddler master, Mama Bell, for her first-hand experience through her five children.

1. Cut food into small enough pieces to prevent choking.

2. Make sure steps are blocked with gates or obstacles to keep them from falling.

3. Watch that all toys are age appropriate as they put everything in their mouths.

4. Door knobs of rooms that are unsafe for children to enter should be covered.

5. Kitchen cupboard doors and drawers need to be safeguarded as there are many unsafe things to get into. Things on countertops need to be put out of their reach–move back towards the wall.

6. Keep toilet seats down.

7. Make sure when putting them to bed, all toys and extra blankets are removed.

8. When put into high chairs, strollers, or anything else, make sure the straps and buckles are secure.

For additional tips, check out some of our older posts on the BFC website–bedtime routine and teething toddlers.


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!

The New Golden Age

Greetings, all!

Today’s blog is featuring some excellent artwork from one of our own, Michelle Blaser – a Boston girl with Texas charm, and New York City grit. Following her passion of water color and calligraphy, she brings us her simplistic and colorful designs, and we are so thankful that she did!

We did a short Q&A with Michelle to learn more about her work and here is what she penned out.

1. Tell us your story and how you got to where you are today?
I grew up in Dallas, Texas and went to school in Austin. I studied advertising at UT and moved to NYC upon graduation to pursue a dream job at an advertising agency. I lived in New York for three years and babysat for Bell Family Company throughout my time in the city. The families I babysat for became dear friends and I still keep up with them. I met my husband in NYC and we moved to Boston one year ago for his job. With much more time on my hands I decided to start my company that I had always wanted to create!

2. What made you want to start your own company?
I have been passionate about art my entire life and it has always been a creative outlet for me. Both of my parents own their own companies and I always knew I wanted to start one myself, it was just a matter of time. I took a calligraphy class when I got engaged and absolutely fell in love with it. Once we were married and in Boston it was the perfect time to start my company. Golden Quill Designs came into being in December 2014 and I focus on using watercolor and calligraphy to make cards and artwork.

3. What are your plans for your company and starting a family one day?
My plans for my company are to grow it as much as possible while I am still working in advertising and once we start a family my hope is to stay at home with them while they are young and continue to grow GQD on the side. Although owning your own business has many challenges, I see this as a perfect opportunity to be able to work on my own schedule while caring for children.

Thanks, Michelle for sharing your golden touch! Everyone go and check out her artwork on Etsy, and use code “BELLFAMILY” in the checkout to receive a 30% discount on any orders $15 or more.  You can also learn more about her, and Golden Quill Designs here.


Written by our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Taylor Bell!