Tag Archives: tech tuesdays

Tech Tuesday – Chipp’d – QR codes (and gifts) for the masses


Chipp’d is a new innovative way of storing & sharing your memories using QR code technology.

For those of us who need it simplified – think if you combine Facebook with Instagram and Snapchat, then somehow attached it to a product! The result would be Chipp’d.


Super easy steps (even for non techies)

1. Purchase a product, download the free Chipp’d app & sign up for an account.
2. Upload your personal content at chippd.com.
3. Your sweetie scans the QR code on their product using the free Chipp’d app to unlock and view your message

What can I buy you ask?  Custom Letterpress Cards, Jewelry and more are all available on the site and ready for personalization.

The best part??? Use code CHIPPDHOLIDAY for 10% off your purchase. 

CH-Baby products

About Chipp’d

Chipp’d is a platform for securely sharing content with people you care about.  They don’t harbor aspirations to embed chips in humans, nor do they yearn for the day when robots and humans become one.  They’re just a little startup based in NYC that wants to make the Internet more fun and personal.

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