Another installment of behind the scenes… this time with Miles Spencer, the man behind the curtain at BFC..
How did you meet Lindsay and get involved with BFC?
We were introduced by my lawyer, who knew I had young kids in my portfolio- I guess she thought I should have an investment to match my new lifestyle!
You have been involved with start ups for years now, how has this company differed from your other passion projects beyond the fact that it is family based not techy or consumer product?
That’s the thing- it is tech, and it is the ultimate consumer product. Bell Family is a platform that matches supply (sitters and nannies) with demand (families). What Greg and Lindsay have done to convert the old process of phone and text into a working algorithm is simply amazing. And the fact that it is entirely referral only makes me feel were all in the same club.
How have your kids changed your life? Day to day and big picture
Well, they were reason #1 in my second marriage, so their arrival was actually the realization of a big goal. Everyone laughed when I used to say “kids won’t change me”, and in many ways they haven’t: they have added to me. I just made a Demo Day presentation to 500 investors in Silicon Valley, and began by singing a few lines from Everything is Awesome from the Lego Movie, and the first slide had Emmet in it.
Perfect date night, what does it entail?
Meli and me. Anywhere.
Favorite band?
Favorite City?
The next one…