Recently, I had the great fortune of a spa day at (newish) The Red Door in Union Square. With 2 kids at home, working from home for 4 family friendly companies (including our own BFC), homework, dance, hockey, bdays and a hubby who I see occasionally, getting to any sort of female grooming establishment for 10 min is tricky, let alone a few hours for the works. But the stars aligned and hubby was not on the road so here goes my experience, by far one of the best i have had in years on so many levels….
The Red Door offers all of the traditional spa services, salon services, hair and color & mani/pedi. They also have a wonderful menu of Speed Services to get you in and out in under 30 minutes
Before you get 5 ft in the door an instant calm comes over you. ethereal music is piping through the speakers, everyone on the floor has a genuine smile on their face, they really are happy to see you. I walk to reception, give them my name and i am promptly given the run down of my services and then escorted downstairs for my first experience – a massage with George.

Ok, the bathrobes in the locker rooms could rival any 4 star hotel in the Caribbean, I really wanted to stuff one in my bag, but I thought better of it. Once properly dressed, I went to the waiting room, it was pretty, dimly lit & soft cushy couches and cucumber and pomegranate infused waters and tea awaited me. George came out a few minutes later and we wound down what seemed like an endless hallway to his massage room. It was 50 minutes of bliss let me tell you, George was great, it was a basic Swedish full body massage, highly recommend him.

The Waiting Room Du Jour… 
After my legs began working again, I detoured through the dressing room, lost my beloved robe and went out to reception, energized for the next phase – hair color – with Rachelle. She was super sweet and apparently loved doing the colors I was accustomed to – coppery red with hints of burnt orange and chestnut. Rachelle was swift and efficient, and I was left for the color to settle before being washed out.

Again in the calm of the mirrors and pictures of haircuts that I could only wish I could carry off. 30 min later, Mandy came over and washed and conditioned me up for my haircut.
Wade was the stylist of the day – an Arizona transplant to NY, he had quite the back story as we chatted. He made quick work of my simplistic style (as I can’t spend more than 10 min on my hair in the am) and gave me the choppy layers that I love along with a blowout that was perfect for my girls night out later that day.

A quick trip outside for some fresh air and a snack and back I was with Nancy – the makeup artiste extraordinaire – who really insisted she give me the benefit of her training. I must have been the most boring client she had all week as I tend to not wear makeup save for special occasions such as weddings. I asked for subtle and earth tones as girls night at the Billy Joel concert did not call for full eye makeup and a clubbing vibe. What she did was perfect, it moisturized, calmed, colored and highlighted my skin. I lost count of how many different products were used, but it didn’t feel heavy at all. And the client before me was going all out and Nancy did a wonderful job. Best of all, there is no obligation to purchase any of the Elizabeth Arden products with the mini makeover, but of course they will welcome your credit card.

All in all, it was a wonderfully spent 3.5 hours which I would do again when those stars align, say in a year or so.
Woo Hoo – everyone benefits – My Favorite manager Amanda has offered 20% off services Mon – Thurs, just mention Bell Family!
These services were provided free of charge in exchange for this review of Red Door, all opinions are the writer’s own.
– Kelly Miller is a work at home mom who consults for BFC, Baby Loves Disco, Miles of Marketing and more. She can be seen out and about with her 8 and 4 yrs olds in tow…